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Moody behaviour of ATI Radeon Xpress 200

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    Moody behaviour of ATI Radeon Xpress 200

    My computer has this problem that.....if I turn on the graphic effects and reboot then the compositing is disabled automatically at next start....and I cannot start it from system settings....I get some error like unable to start graphics, check compositing settings etc.
    Now if I disable them and then reboot and then start them from system settings they start fine.

    In short if the desktop effects are disabled while shutting down then they can be started manually next time.

    So what I want is that just before shutting down the effects should be disabled and then started after total desktop etc. is loaded
    Can you tell me a command which can be used directly to start/stop the effects....
    then I will invoke these commands at shutdown and start

    Please see my 1st reply

    Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

    Read this
    Maybe what doctordruidphd wrote there may help
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

      Sorry I just checked
      All that above(whatever I have posted earlier) is hopeless.

      Now the problem is that the integrated graphic card (ATI) on the motherboard is moody.
      I mean sometimes it starts up smoothly and sometimes it does not.
      And its not a problem related to ATI drivers in linux because I get the same problem in Windows Vista also.
      Some times the graphic effects (in vista and kubuntu and ubuntu) start flawlessly.
      At other times they donot start in any of the above OS......I have to reboot and keep rebooting again and again until the effects start.
      And when I mean the effects are disabled, the OS becomes really slow(all of the OSes as above), the transparency and other cool stuff stops and videos becomes choppy. Everything else like the net, sound etc are fine.
      I think this is somehow related to either the hardware or some BIOS settings

      I have Foxconn RC4107MA-RS2 with ATI Radeon Xpress 200 integrated graphic card if it matters.

      Please help


        Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

        Sorry I just checked
        All that above is hopeless.
        I thought it would be easy to write two scripts and run them at the beginning and at the end of session automatically, which switch two config files with Enabled=true and false in them and run kdm start and stop commands.
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


          Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

          Sorry josefko I mean whatever I have earlier posted is hopeless
          I went through your post but since my graphic card is not behaving normally its of no use


            Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

            I think you should have started another thread about graphic card, you would have better chance to get help. Or at least modify the title of this thread.
            Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


              Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

              Looks like problems for Radeon Xpress 200 graphics, after 8.10:



                Re: How to start/stop desktop effects

                Originally posted by dibl
                Looks like problems for Radeon Xpress 200 graphics, after 8.10:


                I know that ATI does not support the new Xorg in jaunty (for my legacy card) and hence I either have to use 8.10 to use fglrx drivers (and catalyst 9.3) or jaunty with open source drivers. And for me open source drivers work fine (when the effects start).

                The moody card problem was there in fglrx in 8.10 also. And as I have mentioned its not the normal ATI driver problem as Windows Vista also gets the same problem

