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(Solved) Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

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    (Solved) Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

    HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot, Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 & Windows XP Professional SP3
    model#: PU061AV
    X-86 based PC
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz
    1.25 GB of RAM
    Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)
    hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

    Earlier today i attempted to upgrade to KDE 4.3. I used the following method for my install:

    kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
    then entered the following line: deb jaunty main

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Installation seemed to be going fine, then I had an error message. The error was at the point in the installation where it was replacing my icons. At this point the upgrade attemp was aborted. I then rebooted my system to see if any changes were made (probably a real knuckleheaded thing to do at this point). I'm relatively new to linux and the command line, please be patient.

    I now have no graphics other than a solid black screen and a mouse pointer. (I really goofed up this time) I'm certainly lost at this point. Is there a way to reboot my system in command mode so i can maybe uninstall the attempted upgrade? does anyone know what steps I may begin to either finish the install or undo what I have done? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

    Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

    Try Alt-F1, and/or Ctrl-Alt-F1 at the black screen, and see if you get a tty console. If you do, log in there, then:

    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    and let it finish.

    Your video driver installation might be broken. After you do the above, to make sure your upgrade is complete, try rebooting into "Recovery Mode" and if you can do that, choose the "Fix X" option and see if you can get a GUI that way. To shut down/restart from the console, issue
    sudo shutdown -r now


      Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3


      I have followed your instructions. Thanks by the way! Now I am currently in the same point of the install where it was aborted due to an error. Let me give you the data:

      dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libindi0_0.6-0ubuntu_amd64.deb (--unpack):
      trying to overwrite '/user/bin/indiserver', which is also in pakage indi
      Errors were encountered while processing:
      E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

      This is why I couldn't complete the install the 1st time. Thank you for getting me back this far. Any other suggestions?
      System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


        Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

        While you were working on your system, I attempted a dist-upgrade on mine. It looks like maybe half of the KDE 4.3 packages are ready -- there were 69 held back. So all the packages are not yet in the repository. I think the first thing to do is wait 12 hours.

        On libindi0, 0.6 is the current version showing in my package list too. I'm not sure I understand exactly what the problem is, but it may be resolved by simply waiting for the rest of the KDE 4.3 packages to be released.

        If you are still having a problem with libindi0 tomorrow, I would say remove the entire package, using

        sudo apt-get remove --purge indi libindi0

        sudo apt-get update
        sudo dpkg --configure -a
        and then try again to install it
        sudo apt-get install indi libindi0
        and maybe it will complete.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

          I also have no desktop but a white screen and a mouse pointer after upgrading from 4.2.98 to 4.3 on my laptop. The message that I get is "No system tray detected on this system Unable to start, exiting."

          I have checked that there are no remaining files to be upgraded. I did all the update and upgrade at the command line. The problem I hope is easy to fix. Fortunately my system is networked and I am doing this on Kubuntu 8.10.



            Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

            thanks dibl. I will try again tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

            NoWorries, maybe dibl has some more to add about your white screen. I also had packages that were not included, so I am going to try again tomorrow.
            System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


              Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

              Which begs to point out 'words to the wise' when it comes to *just released* releases - wait a few days before attempting to install and/or upgrade.

              As dibl has suggested, not all of the package dependencies may be in the repositories. That is, unfortunately, one of the biggest gripes that many have - if you are announcing that a package/release is now available, then it should be just that - available, to include all the dependencies.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                All is now fixed and I have KDE 4.3 up and running. Because I did it part way through all the packages being made available, my desktop was the standard blue with dots and nothing else not even the K application launcher . I added a panel and launcher and then restored my .kde directory from a backup after I saved my Kontact settings. This backup was made with the KDE 4.2.98 version. If I hadn't had this backup available, I would have had to redefine all my panel and quick launcher settings.

                I hope not too many got caught as I did in the update of the KDE 4.3 packages. At least there is a way out. Best of luck in getting your desktop back to what you want if you got caught as I did.



                  Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                  I still had an error installing libindi0. tried the purge & reinstall, still no luck. The same error as before. The installation did complete, except for that. At least I think it did.

                  Rebooted. Got my desktop back. But, I am in the same condition as NoWorries, only the blue dotted screen. do you mind telling me how you added "panel" and "launcher". Seems I have lost my previous settings. How sad!

                  Unfortunately I did not have a back-up as you did. I will work on re-customizing my desktop. Any help getting panel and launcher going would be a life saver at this point!
                  System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                    Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                    I had cursor control so I right mouse clicked and selected "Add panel". This put the panel at the top of the screen. When I left mouse click on the icon at the right edge of the panel I get a number of options that allow me to do things such as shift the panel, ie "Screen edge", to where I want it. There are many other options but most importantly is the need to "Add Widgets...". This is best done by a right mouse click on the panel to select this option and to firstly choose "Application Launcher". Other options widgets can be added. If I make a mistake in the selection of a widget, I just left mouse click on the red horizontal dash and it is removed.

                    If I right mouse click in the desktop space, I can add widgets there as well such as the quick launcher, analogue clock, etc.

                    I hope what I described above is of some help and that you can get your system configured to your satisfaction.



                      Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                      I see exacly what you are saying. Right clicking the desktop is one of the 1st things I tried on my blue dotted "air" screen. To no avail.

                      Nothing happens when I try this. do you think maybe my init process is messing up?
                      System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                        Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                        Don't neglect to "unlock widgets" and "lock widgets", appropriately. It makes a big difference on things like adding shortcuts to your panel, for example, and re-positioning your panel.


                          Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                          Let me see if I can properly explain. when I rebooted after successful up grade, I was brought to the "air themed" login screen. After logging in I have just the "blue w/dots" screen and mouse cursor showing. That's it. No launcher, no panel bar, no desktop folder view, & when right clicking the screen, no response for me to add a widget or anything of the sort.

                          Anyone have any ideas what I can try to initiate? I tryed typing in klauncher in the command line & got the message that this command was not executed manually, only by init.
                          System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                            Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                            Problem Solved. New KDE 4.3 is up and running on my desktop!

                            had to use instructions in this post to install libindi0


                            found the solution in this post

                            entered the following code and my desktop was back with all my personal configurations.

                            sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-core
                            System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                              Re: Error when upgrading from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3

                              Originally posted by bhamm77
                              Problem Solved. New KDE 4.3 is up and running on my desktop!

                              had to use instructions in this post to install libindi0


                              found the solution in this post

                              entered the following code and my desktop was back with all my personal configurations.

                              sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-core
                              I ran into some errors and each said to do
                              sudo apt-get -f install

                              Then I ran into the libindi problem that was only solved using the URL you mentioned.

                              After that I rebooted and everything came up roses! KDE 4.3 is working great!
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

