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Dvd playback pls help

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    Dvd playback pls help

    Thanks to everyone in the house for bailing me out of installation issue I had sometimes ago. I was able to install kubuntu 9.04 and it has been running fine since then.
    But the problem is this:
    Dragon player fails to play any kind of dvd files either from the disc or the saved files on my hard drive. Everytime I launch dragon palyer and amrok, they will tell me to that this software needs to be upgraded, then after clicking on the message, it will direct me to install the updates, and then report that update is complete. Still, I wouldn't be able to play dvds.
    Can anyone in the house bail me out again.
    Thanks on anticipation of replies.

    Re: Dvd playback pls help

    If you want to watch commercial, encrypted DVDs then you need to install the Medibuntu Repository and get the package: libdvdcss2

    Instructions for installing Medibuntu here:

    Note that it is a 2 part installation 1) Install repository 2) Get GPG key.

    Try something other than Dragon Player. VLC is reckoned to be the most versatile. The vanilla plain version might look bad but you can add skins.
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Dvd playback pls help

      VLC really is the best media player I've ever seen for linux, or indeed any OS.


        Re: Dvd playback pls help

        Thanks guys. I got your response. Im going to start working on that right away.


          Re: Dvd playback pls help

          I too am having problems playing DVDs.
          I've tried on 3 different systems and get the same results. It appears that libdvdcss... isn't working.
          I get a message that states:
          Playback failure:
          VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc.
          Your input can't be opened:
          VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
          Again, I've tried on a Ubuntu 9.10 virtual system and two seperate Kubuntu physical systems with 9.10.
          I've tried VLC, kaffeine, and a few others. All have the same symptoms.
          I've followed the instructions closely from Mediabuntu site. The install seems to go OK, but still doesn't work.
          I've also tried removing and reinstalling DVDCSS still no lucck.
          Anyone else haveing these problems or know of a fix?


            Re: Dvd playback pls help

            I'm having similar problems with commercial DVDs, except the yplay maybe halfway though then VLC chokes.

            FWIW I Installed libdvdread4 then libdvdcss2 with

            sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

            Discs play in Dragon and VLC, but it seems like it can't decrypt the whole disc? Anyone else?
            Dont pretend you havent noticed my cardboard box, Julia, because I know you have!

