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k ubuntu

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    k ubuntu

    I am new to kubuntu and i was wondering if there is an easy way to remove applications without using a terminal window?

    Re: k ubuntu

    Yes, there are point-and-click "package managers". You can use them to remove as well as to install, upgrade or downgrade packages. They may be a little less powerful, but accomplish the same things as the terminal commands that you've probably seen (apt-get, maybe aptitude, dpkg...).

    I think Kubuntu 9.04 comes with the KPackagekit package manager preinstalled. Open the Kickoff menu (aka the application launcher widget, aka the new K Menu, aka the-K-icon-in-the-bottom-left-corner) and go to the Computer tab -- you might find it listed at the top. It should also be one of the System applications on the Applications tab. Alternatively, just press Alt-F2 and type "kpackagekit" to run it. KPackagekit will ask you for your password if/when it needs it, so you won't have to run it with "kdesudo kpackagekit" unless you wanna.

    Personally, I prefer Synaptic, although it's more GNOME-ic than KDE-ish. It doesn't look as nice, but it gives you more control and more detailed information (when you ask for it). It also seems to handle dependency problems better (though I'm not sure about that yet, I've not used KPackagekit much).

