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    SOLVED - Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

    Ok so I am using and older Dell (with on-board graphics card) and have been running Kubuntu 9.04 fine and loving it. I was bored earlier and was tampering with the desktop settings and I clicked "enable desktop effects"... horrible mistake. Kubuntu froze. I restarted Kubuntu and to my dismay, the settings had been saved. I logged in with my username and password, but then the screen forever stays at the gray login-splash screen. I can move the cursor around but nothing more happens - my guess because the KDE4 desktop can't load the "desktop effects" on my system.

    So what I need to know now is how do I reverse this with no use of GUI and not even being able to log in? The ALT-SHIFT-F12 trick won't work here as I have seen others say since I can't get into the desktop... Is there a command I can run in bash to DISABLE the desktop effects?

    Please help me out here, I would HATE to have to reinstall and start over (I just got everything the way I wanted it )

    Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

    Edit ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc. In the [Compositing] section, set Enabled=false.


      Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

      Ok when I type this command in bash:

      edit ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc
      I get this:
      Warning: unknown mime-type for /root/.kde/share/config/kwinrc using "application/octet-stream" 
      No edit mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"
      Any ideas?


        Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

        Originally posted by GeistDev
        Ok when I type this command in bash:

        edit ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc
        I get this:
        Warning: unknown mime-type for /root/.kde/share/config/kwinrc using "application/octet-stream" 
        No edit mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"
        Any ideas?
        Oh... sorry. I didn't mean the "edit" command; I meant to say: "edit the file with any text editor." Also, you seem to be running as root (recovery mode?), so "~" translates to the directory "/root", not to your regular home directory (which is what I wanted). So you have to provide the full path to your home directory instead of just "~". A proper command to use would be, for example:

        nano /home/(insert your user name here)/.kde/share/config/kwinrc

        ...if you want to use the "simple" editor nano. The most useful nano commands are displayed at the bottom. ^ means Ctrl, so press Ctrl + O to write the file after you've edited it, then Ctrl + X to exit.


          Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

          Yes, recovery mode is correct - I cannot get to my KDE desktop due to it staying at the loginscreen-splash, so I have fix this problem via bash as root.

          Thanks for the insight, I will try this now and (hopefully) post a reply via Kubuntu!


            Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

            You sire, are a scholar and a saint! Thanks so much, I searched the internet and couldn't find anything, but you got be back in business and off of that Windows partition lol, and for that thank you!


              Re: Desktop Effects - HORRIBLE MISTAKE! HELP..

              Thank you! I didn't know the solution until you asked. I just thought there had to be a config file for kwin. . .

