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adding lock computer to favorites

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    adding lock computer to favorites

    In 8.10 I could add the "lock" menu item to the favorites section, but can't seem to do it now in 9.04.

    Any other submenu can be added to favorites except the ones in the Leave submenu.

    Any fix to this?


    Re: adding lock computer to favorites

    Is right click on desktop and 'lock screen' what you want?


      Re: adding lock computer to favorites

      One way to add the "Lock the screen" to the Kickoff favorites:

      1) Making a lock "application"

      Making lock_the_screen.desktop file at the /usr/share/applications/kde4/:
      [Desktop Entry]
      Exec=qdbus org.kde.krunner /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock
      GenericName=Lock the screen

      2) Adding the application to the KickOff

      Editing ~/.kde/share/config/kickoffrc. Adding there "/usr/share/applications/kde4/lock_the_screen.desktop" - now it has:


      > D-Bus wiki
      > Topic: shutdown command in kde4 [solved]
      > Re: Classic menu in "Computer" view buggy? / editing kickoffrc
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: adding lock computer to favorites

        Thanks for the tips.

        Some/many times I don't have a desktop area to click for the lock, and it just becomes habit and easy to click the K menu. Ease/speed/familiarity is what I am looking for here.

        The second option might be useful but I haven't tried it yet.

        What I did that worked in a round-about way was to create my own "lock" menu item and then add that to favorites.

        Right click on the Kmenu, select Menu Editor

        The main problem here is that only the Applications menu shows up as editable [I sort of wish the whole menu was accessible]. So, I added a new program in one of the submenus so I could find it. I picked settings just because I use that pretty rarely.

        Click on the Add Item button. I put Lock Screen as the name and then picked the system-lock icon under Actions in the drop-down menu.

        The command is /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/krunner_lock --forcelock
        which I found out by locking the screen, F1 to a terminal and ps the running applications. Then tested it to make sure it worked.

        Once that item is added, and the new menu saved, just use the regular right click to "Add to Favorites" in the K menu.

        Kind of a work around in my book, and probably the same amount of work as editing the files.

