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The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

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    The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

    So, I'm new to Linux.

    This has probably been answered elsewhere, or at least complained about elsewhere but not resolved.

    I've been trying to get Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mepis, and all sorts of distros to work with wireless with absolutely no success.

    I'm using a 2 year old sony vaio laptop, with an Intel Wifi Link 4965 AGN card.

    The drivers is installed, up to date, the device is detected, enabled, etc.

    In fact, there are even times when I can inexplicably connect.

    In Ubuntu 8, the problem I was having is whenever I'd enter the WPA-PSK key, it'd come back with the password dialog over and over, each time with the key changed to a long string of ostensibly random letters & numbers. In Kubuntu 9, it connects and the widget says xxxConnected to (SSID) . . . But then it keeps popping back up with the window prompting me to enter the key.

    Sometimes it'll just randomly connect, without me even doing anything. I'll have internet for a while. Then, also randomly, it'll drop the connection and I wont be able to reconnect even after several reboots, reinstallations, messing with the network-manager config file, etc.

    I don't know anything about linux, but when I type "sudo lshw -class network" it shows my card, but says Capabilities: <access denied> and the logical name is wmaster0 (however if I type "lshw -class network" after running it with sudo the first time, the access denied message disappears). When i type iwconfig, the device shows up under wlan0 and nothing appears under wmaster0. Don't know what that means at all, but that doesn't seem right to me.

    All of this is compounded with constant daemon, widget, and application crashes.

    I'm almost tempted to go back to windows, but I'm of the opinion that if I can pull through this BS i'll be better off in the end.

    Re: The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

    Oh yeah, another thing.

    Ethernet connections work perfectly fine.


      Re: The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

      Assuming that
      sudo ifconfig
      shows a valid wireless connection, probably you should start here:

      and work on the encrypted connection part of it. Also, I assume you've validated that the wireless router's encryption function is set up correctly (i.e. it works fine with some other computer or OS).


        Re: The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

        Originally posted by dickybrucks
        So, I'm new to Linux.
        I'm using a 2 year old sony vaio laptop, with an Intel Wifi Link 4965 AGN card.
        I have the same wifi card in my 1.5year old HP laptop. kubuntu 08.10 was my first exposure to linux. Did you try to update the kernel through backports (search backports: After my 08.10 install, my wifi card worked fine, even though I had to manually enter my router's SSID since knetworkmanager couldn't detect it. After I entered in the rest of the info, including my WPA pass, I checked the automatic save and connect box and it connected. Although, I have to admit that it took a few trials for the network-manager to see the darn router. Granted, I used open source firmware (tomato) for my WRT54GL router. There were a few problems though. The most telling were the kernel panics that ensued when using this wireless card. Those panics had my CPU running awfully hot and filled up my /var/log partition with huge log files, effectively slowing my laptop to a crawl. Thankfully, downloading a few kernel updates from backports was sufficient to solve this.


          Re: The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

          I have a 2 year old Sony Vaio, VGN-FZ190, with an Intel Wifi Link 4965 AGN card. I connect reliably using wicd on Jaunty. I can not connect using the network-manager-kde applet. I do occasionally see a data dump when I shutdown and the halt process tries to poll the interface, but when I stopped that my system will shutdown reliably also.


            Re: The Most Frustrating Thing EVER.

            may i recommend trying wicd instead of network manager

            i have a very similar issue (althought my card is diffrent) when connecting to encrypted networks i can not connect. (and i know my code is right). this has happend to me as long as i have had a wifi card in my laptop, but when i install wicd and use it as my network manager i can all of a sudden "magicly" connect to encrypted networks. so i would suggest that you give it a try,

            you can install wicd from the repositorys.

            sudo apt-get install wicd
            in to a konsole (or use kpackagekit or synaptic to install it )
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