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KDE-Firefox Forms elements on a Colored Background

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    KDE-Firefox Forms elements on a Colored Background

    Everytime you see any form element, there is a big grey square around it... and it's quite ugly :S

    More info in:

    1. Using Firefox on my Kubuntu with KDE 4.2
    2. Opening any web (as google) with any form

    the browser show a square around the button/element, ruining the coloured table effect.
    Screen (see the middle image)->

    Expected Results:
    Show It like konqueror do or like Firefox in Windows XP

    Screen (see the top and bottom images)->

    I'm using Kubuntu with KDE 4.2. Oxygen Window decoration.

    I read firefox use an OS windows decoration integration so I tried changing the decoration yo Ozone, Plastik, Keramik... and I happens with everyone (despite de square around de elements is smaller with some of them).

    It's just a cosmetic problem but it's really annoying, any help? ^_^

    I reported this as a bug, but they said to me "Firefox conforms to Gnome standards. Firefox uses Gnome themes to style the browser. Firefox does not attempt to pick up KDE theme elements".

    Does It means I can't do anything about It if I want to keep using Firefox+KDE?