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what about best kde goodies k3b and amarok, still kde3 versions in Interepid?

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    what about best kde goodies k3b and amarok, still kde3 versions in Interepid?

    As k3b and amarok ports arent ready and with alfa4 being deadline for new stuff if i am correct then does it mean those programs wont be in intrepid? Or there will be exception for those when those ports get rdy?

    Re: what about best kde goodies k3b and amarok, still kde3 versions in Interepid?

    Worst case, the "stable" versions will be included and you'll need to add another repo (like amarok-nightly) to get the newer versions.
    Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


      Re: what about best kde goodies k3b and amarok, still kde3 versions in Interepid

      At the moment there are amarok and amarok-kde4. Amarok-kde4 has alpha warnings:
      preview version of an audio player for KDE 4

      Amarok tries to be a little different, providing a simple drag and drop interface that really makes playlist handling easy.

      NOTE: this is an alpha quality release, and therefore a lot of crashes and bugs are to be expected, the Amarok team as well as the Ubuntu team kindly asks you to report all issue at
      So it is users choice .

      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: what about best kde goodies k3b and amarok, still kde3 versions in Interepid

        K3b seems broken in the extra packages needed to make it run properly.
        Lets hope they do not prang all the good stuff.
        This is still so in alpha 3

        Best El Zorro
        It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein

