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No network, Broadcom BCM4318 and RTL-8139

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    No network, Broadcom BCM4318 and RTL-8139

    Looking for a bit of adventure (kubuntu works so well I miss not having to tinker with things!) I downloaded the 8.10 beta this morning on my laptop, an Acer Aspire 3610. When I restarted after the upgrade, I found myself with no network. Neither wireless (BCM4318) nor ethernet (RTL-8139) work. I don't know if it is related, but every 15 seconds or so, there is something that flashes across my screen too fast to see what it is, looks like a program window of some sort.

    Browsing around I get the impression that the networking issue may be something I just need to wait a bit for rather than bang my head against it to get it working with the existing beta. I think I will wait until the next beta version, or RC1 comes out.

    Does that sound like the best way to go?

    Since I have no network, I guess that means I will need to burn a cd. Should I do a fresh install or is there a way to use the next beta/RC to upgrade what I already have?

    Looking forward to the new version!


    Re: No network, Broadcom BCM4318 and RTL-8139

    OK, I got the networking going, at least the ethernet side.

    From the console, all it took was
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
    and then
    sudo ifup eth0

    Now I have net access, looks like there is something missing from the networking config files.


      Re: No network, Broadcom BCM4318 and RTL-8139

      look here for broadcom4318 help
      You need firmware files for this card
      The b43-fwcutter is still needed in Intrepid for these cards to work


        Re: No network, Broadcom BCM4318 and RTL-8139

        See my post here. I've got the same card.

