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Monitor and Display and User Management Still not fixed in Alpha4

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    Monitor and Display and User Management Still not fixed in Alpha4

    This Bug is sure taking a while:

    Alpha2 and 3 were the same!

    "the module Monitor and display could not be loaded

    The diagnostics is "" not found in paths
    and suggests orhaned or old third party modules lying about

    This is a problem with Kubuntu-Desktop, which badly needs fixing.
    It lies somewhere in the python innards of the above desktop, no doubt in a very obtuse and difficult way?
    It was not fixed by installing fglrx

    fragments: 8
    fragment size: 940
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/", line 19, in <module>
    from qt import *
    ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ undefined symbol: PyUnicode _Type
    Error in sys.excepthook:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/", line 36, in ap port_excepthook
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/ undefined symbol: _Py_ ZeroStruct

    Original exception was:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/", line 19, in <module>
    from qt import *
    ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ undefined symbol: PyUnicode _Type
    error: ***failed to import module

    El Zorro
    It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein

    Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

    Well it is still alpha I just edit the xorg.conf file.
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

      I Just did a great big apt-get upgate---apt-get dist-upgrade during another test drive, to no avail, in Kubuntu Hardy 32bit.

      The control module is still borked in 'user management', 'monitor and display', and------
      --- print is a dead loss, it crashes--boom!---but wait, after the 4th try it worked----so OK in the end!

      So prime Heron time still looks some time off. and the Python is a bit off colour .

      Oh well the release date cometh soon enough, so guess fixes must be in the works.

      Oh, I had a look at the KDE4 gutsy release, sure can see why KDE4 is not ready for prime time either, especially with Kubuntu-Desktop.
      A less than intuitive mildly Vistoid performance and lots of irritating deficits and broken packages, that make you appreciate 3.5.8 or 3.5.7, much better!.
      No wonder Kubuntu wants to stay with KDE 3.5.8, which is still giving Kubuntu-Desktop some challenges, especially in Hardy.

      and goodbye, good luck for now

      El Zorro 8)
      It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


        Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

        Originally posted by ElZorro
        I Just did a great big apt-get upgate---apt-get dist-upgrade during another test drive, to no avail, in Kubuntu Hardy 32bit.

        The control module is still borked in user, monitor and display, and------ print is a dead loss, it crashes--boom!

        Kaffeine won't play DVD's, direct result of user being borked and not enough permissions granted.
        So prime Heron time still looks some time off. and the Python is a bit off colour .
        Thanks for the warning!

        I'm going to install HH Alpha 4 next weekend -- sounds like I shouldn't plan on doing any productive work with it! :P


          On the eve of Alpha 4 System Settings and Multimedia still borked!

          Latest updates for Hardy still no good, and the comments below still apply, so I wonder if Alpha 4 will be any advance at all----

          Originally posted by ElZorro
          I Just did a great big apt-get upgate---apt-get dist-upgrade during another test drive, to no avail, in Kubuntu Hardy 32bit.

          The control module is still borked in 'user management', 'monitor and display'-

          So prime Heron time still looks some time off. and the Python is a bit off colour .

          Oh well the release date cometh soon enough, so guess fixes must be in the works.

          Oh, I had a look at the KDE4 gutsy release, sure can see why KDE4 is not ready for prime time either, especially with Kubuntu-Desktop.
          A less than intuitive mildly Vistoid performance and lots of irritating deficits and broken packages, that make you appreciate 3.5.8 or 3.5.7, much better!.
          No wonder Kubuntu wants to stay with KDE 3.5.8, which is still giving Kubuntu-Desktop some challenges, especially in Hardy.

          and goodbye, good luck for now

          El Zorro 8)
          It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


            Re: On the eve of Alpha 4 System Settings and Multimedia still borked!

            Originally posted by ElZorro

            so I wonder if Alpha 4 will be any advance at all----
            Apparently not, as it's almost 2 FEB at Canonical, and HH Alpha 4 was scheduled for release 31 JAN ... :P


              Re: On the eve of Alpha 4 System Settings and Multimedia still borked!

              Hi dibl, its released 2/2/08
              But it is the "mouse that roared", for sadly alpha 4 is no advance at all on these desktop KDE fundamentals, and I could not be bothered to install it going by the live CD.
              I updated alpha 3, this is probably much the same, and just as good an indicator of the "state of the nation" and the current iso---so may look at the beta when it appears.

              So enough with these alphas for now, as this release cycle has not been much fun at all so far.
              Maybe Gutsy is a better candidate for LTS?

              El Zorro

              Originally posted by dibl
              Originally posted by ElZorro

              so I wonder if Alpha 4 will be any advance at all----
              Apparently not, as it's almost 2 FEB at Canonical, and HH Alpha 4 was scheduled for release 31 JAN ... :P
              It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


                Re: On the eve of Alpha 4 System Settings and Multimedia still borked!

                Originally posted by ElZorro
                Hi dibl, its released 2/2/08
                YES, it is, and downloading my ISO image now!

                Maybe Gutsy is a better candidate for LTS?
                At this moment, yes. You are caught at an awkward time, if you are looking for an official LTS release. You must either wait 2.5 more months, for the HH release, or go all the way back to Dapper Drake from June, 2006.

                HH Alpha 4 is certainly not going to be very stable -- that is always the case for Alpha releases, and Beta can be a little buggy also.

                Moreover, I noticed you are concerned about the System Settings>Monitor & Display function. I am sorry to report that this little feature has NEVER been of use if you are using a proprietary video driver, and I'm not sure it's even a reliable way to adjust a VESA display, to be honest. That one and the Advanced>Disks and Filesystems have always shown me signs of instability, so I advise against using those. There are other very reliable ways to control the display and the hard drives and filesystems.

                So, my suggestion to you if you want a stable Kubuntu system now is to install Gutsy, and then use this forum to learn how to set up your video display and your hard drives just like you want them, but NOT using System Settings.


                  Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

                  I have Hardy for more than month now on my nb and I don't think it had any substantial impact on my productivity. I found some glitches but for me i feels like it was beta already.
                  The only real problem was with my old ATI card and even that was solved when I chceked Alpha release notes.

                  however, I have fallback to Ubuntu Gutsy ready on other partition (helps to google answer when something goes wrong). I was very unsatisfied with Kubuntu Gutsy, but Heron seems very promising.

                  I spent lot of time in kde4 and that is much more bugged than 3.5.8. I am looking forward to 4.0.1 sometime in February.

                  to issues mentioned:
                  kaffeine + dvd works for me
                  System Settings>Monitor & Display function/User Management does not but I never needed it (I tested only for this post)


                    Re: Monitor and Display and user permissions Still not fixed in Alpha3

                    Glad you could be alpha 4 enthused dibl,
                    maybe things work better with nvidia and 64 bit.
                    Gutsy works quite well in GUI configuration of ati , users, multimedia etc and did earlier in its release cycle than Heron.
                    Guess heron is more a command line thing at this time and not really a proper GUI desktop. A command line learning thing.

                    I was being a bit 'tongue in cheek' with the LTS comment, after all these tend, as server material, to respond to command lines rather than GUI configuration, so no hurry fixing the Heron GUI department with 3.5.8, especially with the ample distractions of KDE 4.0 out there.
                    El Zorro
                    It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


                      Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

                      Here's my report:



                        Re: Monitor and Display Still not fixed in Alpha3

                        Hi, in alpa 4
                        There seems to be corrupted code in the modules for system settings "Monitor and display" and "user management" in KDE 3.5.8 for Hardy
                        so replacement modules or python coding required.
                        DVD's now play as user, after installing xine-ui, this fixed kaffeine too in alpha 4
                        El Zorro

                        It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


                          Re: Monitor and Display and User Management Still not fixed in Alpha4

                          Managed to install KDE4 no problems,
                          and though this is still not ready for prime time is getting better slowly. At least, to it's credit the system configuration works here!

                          I note lots and lots of updates for KDE4, but KDE 3.5.8 the default desktop in Heron LTS??! is still the neglected poor relation, with system settings still unpopulated (ie Borked due to bad modules---) in user management and monitor and display.

                          Why is this still not fixed?
                          Too boring for the developers with all the other distractions at this stage, I guess!

                          Oh well:-
                          'per ardua ad astra, et vincit qui se vincit---:nunc it per iter tenebricosum negant quemquam redire.'

                          Vale mei amici

                          El Zorro
                          It should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be---Albert Einstein


                            Re: Monitor and Display and User Management Still not fixed in Alpha4

                            Hi everyone,
                            I haven't upgraded to Aplha 4 yet(looking at the various Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums,it doesn't seem to be worth it).The good news is(for me anyway).that after the latest updates over the last couple of days),I tried out Monitor&Dispaly in Kcontrol does work at long last!



                              Re: Monitor and Display and User Management Still not fixed in Alpha4

                              How? I have just downloaded the latest updates and its still not working for me, still the same message.

                              TG >

