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[solved] Second "ghost" device created by who?

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    [solved] Second "ghost" device created by who?

    I have Atheros 242x as WiFi on my Acer 7520. Finally I had it made work by installing right version of madwifi. What is happening now - some strange second device was being created, and ofter my internet connection switches to it, and I am loosing connection. Besides it creates a lot of problems. I don't know where it came from but it looks like this:

    NVIDIA corporation mcp67 ethernet (eth0)               <---- that's my wifi
    High Tech Computer corp. USB Miscelleneous Interface (eth1) <---- that's device i don't have (& don't know how it appeared here)
    How to fix it? Can I just remove it? And last question - how to do it safely ?
    Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520

    Re: Second &quot;ghost&quot; device created by who?

    I do believe that eth0 is your wired network card and eth1 is your wireless, at least the Nvidia chipset is definitely for a wired lan chipset


      Re: Second &quot;ghost&quot; device created by who?

      High Tech Computer Corp is a manufacturer of Pocket PC phones and such . Do you happen to have a pocketpc plugged into your USB? It won't know what to do with the interface without a usb-rndis driver installed so will name it a misc usb device. Knetworkmanager will still try to connect to it though, and is probably your connection problem. Also, that nvidia mcp67 is definitely your wired interface.



        Re: Second &quot;ghost&quot; device created by who?

        Gosh - that's something I had missed completely! I could just google it... Thanks Namoprophet!

        I have HTC Touch and it's hard to connect this bastard with Windows Mobile 6.1 inside to my kubuntu. SynCE does the trick but not without it's difficulties. I hadn't got internet connection in my house for a week, so I couldn't install synce and my HTC is plugged in everyday. My wireless device is ath0. Actually I am interesting what's going to happer after synce installation.

        PS - I am getting Android - Linux based phone in March, so HTC will hit dust bin ( or ebay )
        Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520

