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Installation Troubles

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    Installation Troubles

    First, I'll post my specs:

    AMD Athlon64 X2 6400
    Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-DQ6 Motherboard
    3GB RAM
    nvidia geforce 8800 gtx

    I'm trying to install Kubuntu onto a 500GB drive that originally had Windows Vista on. It has been split into two partitions.

    OK, it's a long story full of complications and annoyances, which is why I've finally decided to come crawling back to you for help 8)

    I first installed Kubuntu a few weeks back onto my laptop, using the option to repartition the drive and keep Windows. This went as smoothly as possible. So I decided to install it onto my PC using the same idea.

    When I first installed Kubuntu, I used the 32bit version, but I also downloaded and burned the 64bit for late use for my PC, so I dug that out and tried it out. My first error was the live installer crashing after going through the localisation steps. I fixed this by removing some dodgy RAM and my extra HDDs. The next step, where you repartition the drive ready for installation didnt work for some reason which I've now forgotten.

    Anyway, I decided to redownload the image and burn it at a slow speed, 4x. This version worked the the next step, but errored about 60% into installation

    I checked the md5 hash of the image I just downloaded and it was wrong, so I downloaded again. This version had the right md5 and I burnt it slowly. But now I have another problem! (and this is the real reason for my post :P)

    On booting the disk and selecting 'Try Kubuntu' the loading bar appears for a bit, then disappears to be replaced by a blank screen with a flashing '_'.

    I cycled through my three Kubuntu cds to find it happened on all of them, so it must be a computer error. Although now whenever I try anything, I dont even get a loading bar, its just straight to a blank screen. This happens whichever option I choose at the menu.

    After reading some posts, it seems like I might have to try again, with the alternate cd, but I don't feel very comfortable with that.

    Thanks for reading

    EDIT: I just tried my 32bit cd and it got past the loading screen, flashed some words and then my monitor said 'Out of Range'. Dammit. Gonna try another monitor...

    Re: Installation Troubles

    It may be as well to Verify the CD before doing anything else.

    Good Luck.


      Re: Installation Troubles

      Which ever option I choose gives me a blank screen with the cursor.
      It seems for some reason it wll only show on my old crappy 17" CRT monitor.

      However, good news, I just tried the 32bit cd. That one works. I do have a 64bit PC (I'm running 64bit vista) so thats not the problem.

      I'd rather not run 32bit, but I suppose I will if it comes to that.


        Re: Installation Troubles

        That's a video display problem Jim, not a 32-bit vs 64-bit problem. You might as well install 64-bit like you want, because you're going to have to configure the video manually anyway.

        When you see the flashing "_" try an Alt-F1. You should get the text prompt. If so, log in. Try this:

        sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

        and follow the prompts. Then reboot the system and try to log in.

        If that doesn't work, log in to the text prompt and then do a
        sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
        this will open the xorg.conf file in the simple-minded nano editor. The command at the bottom show how to save (Ctrl-O) and exit (Ctrl-X). Make the xorg.conf file look like this:

        Section "Device"
        	Identifier	"Configured Video Device"
        Section "Monitor"
        	Identifier	"Configured Monitor"
        Section "Screen"
        	Identifier	"Default Screen"
        	Monitor		"Configured Monitor"
        	Device		"Configured Video Device"
        Once you get a GUI login, and the GUI desktop, you can go to KMenu>System>Hardware Drivers (or Restricted Driver Manager if that's what it's called) and choose the -177 Nvidia driver. Be patient -- it takes awhile to give you the feedback that it is downloading and installing the driver.


          Re: Installation Troubles

          I seem to have fixed the video problems and can now see the flashing _ :P

          Thanks for the help, problem is my keyboard doesn't work at that time. I have a usb keyboard and don't have access to a ps2 to try that out

          I wonder why it just started happening? It was working fine one minute, I try again and its suddenly stopped


            Re: Installation Troubles

            I use a USB keyboard and it's been pretty reliable for several years now. I wonder if there's some issue with your USB bus.

            You might try again with the
            sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
            that should detect the keyboard and mouse along the way.


              Re: Installation Troubles

              Where do I type this if my keyboard doesn't work?


                Re: Installation Troubles

                With the (good) 64-bit Live CD, if it will boot to the menu, press F4 and choose "safe graphics" and see if that will take you to a GUI.


                  Re: Installation Troubles

                  No, same problem


                    Re: Installation Troubles

                    Your keyboard doesn't work with the Live CD?


                      Re: Installation Troubles

                      Sorry, I meant switching to safe graphics doesn't help.
                      My keyboard works in the menu, but as soon as I select anything, it turns off and would normally reactivate later. For the record, my mouse (also a usb) works. They're both by the same company, Razer. And I've tried switching USB ports to no avail.

                      My keyboard and mouse have LEDs so I can tell if they're getting power or not.


                        Re: Installation Troubles

                        Meh. I have a Microsoft cheapie USB keyboard and mouse -- never saw such a problem.

                        In the Live CD installation routine there are a long list of keyboard types -- I've never needed anything but "USA" for the keyboard. "PC105" also works every time. I don't know if your Razer has some special codes or what. :P

