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Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

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    Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

    Here is an error message:
    [img width=400 height=86][/img]

    OS: Windows Server 2003
    No antivirus or similar stuff runned

    What could it be?
    Attached Files

    Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

    are you trying to install KDE? if so, you'll have to boot-up the KDE CD by putting it in the CD drive or leave it and reboot, and it should then give a menu, just hit enter to go into the live CD portion and then install from there.

    if the CD won't auto-start on boot, u'll have to go inot the BIOS and make sure the CD deivices starts up before the Hard Drive Does.
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      Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

      Actually no... I'm trying to install Kubuntu INSIDE windows as there is an option to do so...

      I don't have problems installing 8.04 by booting from CD... I'm just interested to use this new revolutionary option...

      Main reason to try it is to get a way to educate some of my friends what Linux and KDE is without partitioning harddrive and changing anything...

      See atachment...
      Attached Files


        Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

        also strange I just tested ur colors on my theme of win2000 that I fixed up and I got the same color and you said you took the pic on win2k3 so my win background color is/are of windows 2003 not 2000 or they are exact. :P However the titlebar active colors in my and ur pic don't match exactly but are close.


        hmmm, why not just create a new account on KDE on your computer and let them play around iwth it. I say that in so that they won't mess up any of your files.

        As for the KDE thing, it's probably installing the KDE windows manager in Windows which is fairly new and in beta. It won't install Kubuntu within windows....srrry....unless someone comes along that has a better answer.
        Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


          Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

          Cool then... What I suppose to do? Wait 8.10?

          Anyway - there are no people to blame about this error... it's opensource and all will came some time in future...

          Unfortunately this time I got this error... May be it was the best time to show my friends what KDE and Linux is...


            Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

            ok i signed up for help on how to install it so i could actually dual boot but maybe i can help instead dont expect a lot though. i burned my first cd ever today and it was the kubuntu8.04 desktop 714,142kb not sure if it is hardy or not i was trying to decide and just dont know which one i downloaded but i like it. i got the same error and just put the cd back in and was able to boot it in vm
            i thought i was actually installing on my hd but it seems to be a simulation and i doubt it will save any files but i got a feel for it and i think that may be what you are asking.
            what I did was run the vmware player to install and boot from the cd but my hd install didn't work at least i cant select os on boot just windows boots. this page helped me and you have to rename the file it talks about and be sure to set your cd drive letter when you rename the file.
            i hope this helps


              Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

              Wow... thanks for link... May be I'm a bit lazy to search :-)


                Re: Strange behavior of installation INSIDE Windows

                np, it actually does save files, downloads and installs packages from adept and runs from the hard drive but only through vmware. cdrom isn't seen though.

