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PC Freeze.............

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    PC Freeze.............

    Hey guys i have been using Kubuntu for a long time now i ma experiencing a new problem nowadays: Dont know why but mostly when i ma using Firefox the PC suddenly freezes and the three lights on the Keyboard start blinking automatically.. Then the response totally ceases and i have to restart the PC manually... PLease help me.........
    Also i have the Kubuntu 8.04 cd with me so how can i upgrade my 7.10 installation to 8.04 using that cd..........?

    Re: PC Freeze.............

    HOWTO: Unlock A Supposedly-Locked Up System
    Kubuntu Hardy Heron Upgrade (If you do not have the Alternate CD then follow the To Upgrade from Kubuntu 7.10 to Kubuntu 8.04 over the Internet, use the following procedure: instructions.)
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: PC Freeze.............

      You should give us some more details of your machine : make (company), version, cpu, ram, grphic card, etc.

      Upgrading is a good idea. If you have the alternate cd:
      If you don't then use the live cd.

      If you don't have a separate /home partition ( I would strongly suggest making one) backup your /home first.

      To make a separate /home:
      Get the gparted live cd:

      backup /home to a cd, usb or other partition.

      boot the gparted live cd

      resize / (root) partition to about 6-10 GB, format to ext3

      make a /home partition with the rest or as large as possible.
      Format to ext3

      use the installtion of the live CD for Hardy and choose manual partitioning when that menu comes up.

      choose the partition you resized for / and edit that to:
      format and mount as /

      choose the partition you made for /home choose that to mount as /home (do not format if you have already but your backed up user and data files from your old /home there)

      Install as normal.
      You may run into an issue at login because and depending on the version of kde you had on 7.10.

      hardy uses kde3.5.9 and doesn't always like "older versions".

      To remedy that just rename the hidden file .kde to .kdeold in the /home/username forlder before installing.
      You can then copy over all of your kmail, konqueror, contact, etc settings from old to new when you first log in.

      I hope this points you in the right direction.

      sorry I forgot about that:
      ......then follow the To Upgrade from Kubuntu 7.10 to Kubuntu 8.04 over the Internet, use the following procedure: instructions.)
      Thank you snowhog
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: PC Freeze.............

        Originally posted by ashzoomerintrack

        when i ma using Firefox the PC suddenly freezes and the three lights on the Keyboard start blinking automatically.. Then the response totally ceases
        Firefox works the CPU and video system pretty hard -- you can observe this with top or a monitor like ksysguard or gkrellm. I'd say your PC is being pushed to thermal shutdown -- or part of it is. If Konqueror is "good enough" for browsing, and you don't get such a shutdown when using it, you might want to do that while you save your $$ for your new PC.


          Re: PC Freeze.............

          Dible is right.
          Depending on the version of FF and what you are doing with it (10 you tube tabs will cause a problem)

          FF3 seems to be a bit nicer to the cpu and video card.
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: PC Freeze.............

            I must agree. I certainly get less freeze ups than I used ...always used to happen when I was getting distracted into too mnay things...amarok running and updating...emailing...firefoxing and clicking on one or two too many links in new tabs then I used to crash and burn but less so now with the newer firefox ...the altprintscr reisub thing really does help me as and when I get a freeze...still even rarer is when I get a yellow screen of death but lots less but there is no way out of that except for the power off

            The REISUB advice really works as you see the screen start to take notice usually after the S is pressed...feels quite nice to be in charge when things go wrong
            Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


              Re: PC Freeze.............

              Originally posted by andybleaden
              I must agree. I certainly get less freeze ups than I used ...always used to happen when I was getting distracted into too mnay things...amarok running and updating...emailing...firefoxing and clicking on one or two too many links in new tabs then I used to crash and burn but less so now with the newer firefox ...the altprintscr reisub thing really does help me as and when I get a freeze...still even rarer is when I get a yellow screen of death but lots less but there is no way out of that except for the power off

              The REISUB advice really works as you see the screen start to take notice usually after the S is pressed...feels quite nice to be in charge when things go wrong
              maybe broken ram? run memtest overnight.


                Re: PC Freeze.............

                The following link tells the story behind this problem:

                For those whom it affects (and I am one, unfortunately) there is a way of getting a stable version of Hardy using the Gutsy 2.6.22 kernel, as explained in message #304ff of the following thread:

                Alternatively, of course, Gutsy is still available, and on my triple HDD setup is running with perfect stability on another drive.


                  Re: PC Freeze.............

                  Originally posted by klerfayt
                  maybe broken ram? run memtest overnight.

                  If this throws up broken ram...does that mean I have to get some more or is there a way to fix it?
                  Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


                    Re: PC Freeze.............

                    If the RAM test shows faulty RAM, the only solution is to replace the bad DIM/SODIM RAM.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

