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Kdewalletmanager: How not to type password on startup (without blank password)

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    Kdewalletmanager: How not to type password on startup (without blank password)

    Hi to all!
    I have a question:
    some time ago I saw an article on a blog - I can't remeber where - saying there is a way to open your own kdewallet on startup using a script loaded on startup.

    I remeber that the script worked for "non blank password" wallets: you had to write your own password inside the script.
    Regardless of the probably security breach of a similar operation, I wan't to know what are the commands I need to use to open my wallet - with password - using console script.

    The only thing I saw is launching "kwalletmanager kdewallet" I can ask to open my wallet (named kdewallet), but a window pop-ups asking the password. Any idea about how I can echo it inside the dialog?

    Thanks for help

    Re: Kdewalletmanager: How not to type password on startup (without blank passwor

    Hi robpower,

    I think this currently doesn't work. You can script kwallet via DCOP like:
    $ dcop kded kwalletd open kdewallet 0
    But this opens a password dialog, which you want to avoid. I don't see a way to "echo the password inside the dialog".

    OpenSUSE has a distribution-specific patch to KDE [1] that provides the functionality you ask for. Maybe you have seen something like this:
    $ dcop kded kwalletd tryopen kdewallet <password>
    Unfortunately, this undocumented feature is not available in Kubuntu (yet).

    Anyway, putting your kwallet password cleartext into a startup script is probably as insecure as having an empty password for kwallet.



