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I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

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    I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

    I haven't used my Kubuntu 7.10 system for three weeks. I fire it up and OMG, 640x480 resolution on a 19" Widescreen monitor where it had been 1440x900 for MONTHS. Nothing has been touched, turned on/off, or disconnected since the last shutdown. "Monitor/Display" still lists "Intel" for the vid card and "Plug-n-Play" for the monitor. I logged on as Administrator, but there was no option other than 640x480, 60hz.
    One expects Hardware settings to remain stable. Any comments ??

    Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

    have you tried asking for help on ur issue? or doing a search with a search engine.
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      Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

      I fixed the problem, at least, for now. However, one should NOT have to play with hardware configurations out of the clear blue sky. I'm not trying to degrade Kubuntu. I think it's a great OS and that's why I've used it since Fiesty.
      There is a built-in question in my original post;

      Why does Kubuntu 7.10 change "Display/Monitor" configuration files on its own ?? Any comments ??


        Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

        it is difficult to know what happened for sure.
        can you tell us what was the fix?
        that may point to the original issue...
        gnu/linux is not windoze


          Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

          Yes, I can. In an old post I had downloaded ions ago, there was this answer to another having monitor problems;

          "Anyway, to resolve this involved the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"
          command mentioned earlier in this thread, which got the default
          settings back".

          I had no idea if this would fix my problem or not. At that point, I didn't care because I couldn't change the resolution anyway, but it did work even without clrl+alt+backspace.

          I first tried to configure the "Display/Monitor" in System Settings. However, when I changed the aspect ratio to reflect "Widescreen" I got a warning message that the "driver" couldn't handle it. But it had for several months !!!! So, I just did the "reconfigure" and it worked (so far).

          It seems obvious to me something changed the monitor configuration file, but I could be totally off base.

          What say you ?


            Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

            first i'd say that use of system settings -> monitor/display is to be avoided at all costs.
            second, i'm curious to know if you happen to have a file in your home dir named: .kde/share/config/displayconfigrc
            last, could you tell me what graphics card and what monitor you have, please?
            gnu/linux is not windoze


              Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

              If, as stated, "you did nothing" then it's likely that an updated package, downloaded and installed, is the culprit.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                Yeah, I was just thinking that. I remember a while ago, a mere update screwed things up for Kopete and people couldn't log in to MSN for a while. I think it's just one of those things with open source - everything isn't quite tested with everything else.

                I agree with you on the most part though - it shouldn't be like that. I can never see an everyday consumer even thinking about using Linux until issues like these are sorted out. That, and driver support. Windows and Mac users are used to things "just working". I'm sad to say, Linux never seems to be able to make that happen.

                Regardless of it's problems though, I think it's worth it. You get more and cooler features, most programs are free, and at it's core, it's rock-solid. I can't stress enough how much easier it is not having to train my firewall with a new rule every five minutes!


                  Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                  I agree 100% about the value of KDE and I intend to continue using it. When updates are indicated, I just download and install them. Hopefully, one of the updates caused the problem and resetting the configuration solved the problem. Thanks to all for your responses.


                    Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                    what graphics card are you using and what driver. if you use a driver installed by Envy (restricted driver) for ati or nvidia, you have to reinstall it after and upgrade i.e. feisty to gutsy. I have installed edgy and gutsy on several desk and laptops and have not had that problem since dapper.
                    I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


                      Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                      This is my first time to post. I am your normal user who only knows MS Windows. I tried many Linux flavors on old PII ś and PIII until now. Two things that makes me love Linux: first is the freedom to have a choice and second, the great people in the forum who are unselfishly
                      contributing to the above cause. It's great fun having to look for answers and finding it easily in this forum.

                      Keep going guys and I hope someday I can contribute as well.


                        Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                        That is why I make a backup copy of what I consider important settings files including xorg.conf when system is working just fine like I expect/wish it to.

                        Saves a lot of hassle and aggravation when something goes bust.
                        The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason .....Benjamin Franklin<br />Kubuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Xbuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Win7 x64 Ultimate<br />Linux User: 416878&nbsp; &nbsp; Kubuntu User: 22154


                          Re: I Now Understand Why People Switch To Ubu/Kbu An Then BACK To Windoz

                          Actually, I have had that issues with ALL OSes I've used, even M$. All in all I agree things shouldn't just "occur" like that, but they do. I found the OS I like and live with those annoyances. I did with M$ for eons!

