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Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

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    Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

    Anyone know where I can edit what happens when I use my volume wheel (on a Toshiba Satellite A135-S4677) . It's digital and normally when I moved it would adjust the volume on kmix.

    I don't want it to do that since I had to switch to O.S.S. (given that the audio doesn't work with ALSA even after a fix that used to do it in Feisty but not on Gutsy anymore) and Kmix doesn't work with O.S.S. (or I just haven't found out how, if anyone knows please tell me).

    Now when I trip over the volume control the system tries to load kmix several times over (without success since kmix has no soundcard configured). This sometimes gets so bad it locks up the computer.
    And it's a bit unavoidable since it often gets activated when I place it on my lap.

    Currently I'm using ossxmix to adjust the volume. Also, if you do show me a way to get kmix working with oss I'd still like to know where to adjust how sensitive the volume is to the wheel movement. In my Vista partition you have to turn it quite a lot and that's good since it turns too easily (when ALSA worked for me back in Feisty Fawn this was sort of an issue for me).


    Re: Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

    Hello JCT. I'm not sure if I understand what you are trying to do. Are you trying to "fix" the wheel because is not working ok with the sound, or you want it to do something different that has nothing to do with the sound?

    Anyways... trying to configure mine, I've found these links which were useful for me.... hope they are also useful for you. Let me know if you have any question, I'll try to help in anything I can.

    The links are:

    And by the way... in order to get my laptop's sound card to work I had to install a Release Candidate version of the ALSA drivers (that means it is not totally stable yet, but I've had no problem so far). The issue is that every time a new kernel is installed I have to re compile the drivers manually again.

    In case it is useful for you, here is the link about it.

    Good luck!!!



      Re: Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

      Thanks... gave me a clue. But I'm still not there yet.

      The keys are assigned without any problem (Key 174->LowerVolume which is assigned to XF86AudioLowerVolume ).

      My problem is, that this runs Kmix and tries to raise the volume, but since I'm not using ALSA, Kmix doesn't find the mixer. So what I want to do is either reasign this command so that it opens ossxmix or it does nothing (since opening kmix has even crashed my system before).

      So the real question is how the OS knows what to do when it gets a XF86AudioLowerVolume command.

      I tried ALSA several times with different drivers. No good yet. I'm thinking of trying it again when I put in Intrepid Ibex in October (since Hardy Heron seems like a bad idea when I'm finishing a thesis).


        Re: Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

        Hello again. I undestand your problem now, but I'm afraid I don't know how to fix it.

        As a temporary solution, I would try changing the commands for the programs you are mentioning.

        In my system the executable file for kmix is located in /usr/bin/kmix You can rename this to anything different. Then make a link from /usr/bin/kmix that points to the ossxmix executable file. (probably /usr/bin/ossxmix)

        This way, whenever the system needs to open kmix... should be oppening ossmix.

        For example:
        sudo mv /usr/bin/kmix /usr/bin/kmix_old
        sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ossxmix /usr/bin/kmix
        This way "ossxmix" will be open in you system wheter you execute "/usr/bin/kmix" or "/usr/bin/ossxmix"
        (assuming that the executable file for ossxmix in your system is /usr/bin/ossxmix")

        Hope I'm clear enough.




          Re: Volume wheel settings with O.S.S.

          thanks, good idea, but after it opened the ossxmix it kept trying to open it again and didn't adjust the volume, so I just deleted the link so now it only shows me the "It seems that kmix is not running" message and doesn't harm my system.
          This digital volume wheel is annoying anyways, (it doesn't work right in windows either).
          thanks for your advice

          Maybe later I'll just remove the volume raise/lower from the key assignation table.

