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Definitive wireless manager

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    Definitive wireless manager

    I have been reading that you are working on Wireless Assistant, but my question is if I am going to be able to manage and connect to networks with WPA/TKIP/EAP=Secure W2/proxy or is going to be another useless graphical manager and I will have to edit manually /etc/wpasupplicant and all that stuff.

    Re: Definitive wireless manager

    Okay, I have been looking further into the project and seems that he is going to implement WPA in the future as claims the RoadMap. Here are the wishes of the author for those who impatiently cannot wait to have WPA support. The actual version is the 0.5.4a

    *** 0.5.4a TODO:
    +remove setIfname and ifname from WATools, get it from argument of each function.
    +don't check for active connection when no scan results.
    +change linux/socket.h to sys/socket.h in watools.cpp
    +fix 'no scan results' problem
    +make WATools::txpower return -1 if radio is disabled.
    +add spanish translation by mariodebian

    *** 0.5.5 TODO:
    -add 'ASCII' checkbox for WEP key field. (prepends "s:")
    -per-network option run user-specified command after connecting. Option to run it after AP reached or after Internet reached.
    -blacklisting APs.
    -about dialog? version in title?
    -if connection lost and user wants to reconnect: disconnect and then scan before connecting to check if network is still available.
    -wizard/edit dialog input verification
    -function to add line to sudoers: (like '%wifi ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/kde/bin/wlassistant')
    -further migration to iwlib...
    ?make it compile with wireless tools <27

    *** 0.5.6 TODO:
    -function to convert lease received via DHCP to 'Manual Config' settings.
    - parse /var/state/dhcp/dhclient.leases (dhclient)
    - parse /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-<interface>.info (dhcpcd)
    - update NetParams string, so when the user switches to "Manual" all is ready and no user input is needed (most cases).
    -further migration to iwlib...
    ?txpower setting.

    *** 0.5.9 TODO:
    -preliminary support for WPA.

    *** 0.6.0 TODO:
    -wpa support
    -complete migration to iwlib.

    0.6.9 TODO:
    -preliminary support for wlan-ng

    *** 0.7.0 TODO:
    -wlan-ng support
    -DCOP interface

    *** I'm really bored TODO:
    -About dialog

    ************************************************** *************************************
    *** IDEAS ***
    ************************************************** *************************************

    - Keep user actions in a StringList, offer actions based on behavior patterns.

    - preferrence system: ( '--auto' parameter)
    - at least 1 network must be known
    - if only 1 known network present - try to connect
    - more than 1 known network present - try to connect to one with highest NetScore, then next, next, etc.

    - Replace "Link Quality" with "Reliance" taking NetScore (name?) into consideration.
    - NetScore calculation (draft):
    - Selected: +2
    - Connected: +1
    - Connection failed: -1
    - points added only if next highest NetScore is lower by no more that 7pts

    + Do not show interface combo if only one interface found
    +- detect paths
    + - pidof, ifconfig, iwconfig, iwlist, dhcpcd/dhclient

    + no UI for path selection
    + wizard with net params config (auto/manual, DNS etc, ESSID if needed) for unknown APs. Returns config string (AP::ESSID::NetScore::<parameters>).
    + NetParams structure
    + save settings to AP (but also store ESSID)
    - if more that one AP with same ESSID - use settings for all APs.

    - on scanning:
    - if more that one AP with same ESSID - show a single entry

    - on connecting:
    + if AP & ESSID match - connect.
    + if match, but ENCRYPTION setting changed - disable enc/ask to enable.
    - if AP matches, ESSID does not - ask if settings for AP should be used, change ESSID in config
    - if only ESSID matches - ask.
    + if none match - ask.(show 1st connection wizard)
    + ping to make sure connection ok
    - wait 15s, ping, if ok - recalculate success NetScore

    - tray icon menu:
    - <some statistics>
    - -----------------------
    - disconnect (if connected)
    - reconnect (if connected)
    - connect (use preferred)
    - -----------------------
    - connect to -> ...
    - -----------------------
    - quit

    - connection monitoring:
    + ping every 10/15/20s (?). if connection down:
    - reconnect (if AP still found)
    - connect to different AP same ESSID (if present)
    - connect to known network with highest NetScore
    - popup main win to select new network if any present, but none known
    - popup error message if no network found. disconnect.

    + RMB on network entry:
    + connect
    + disconnect
    + reconnect
    + edit settings... (if network known)
    + forget settings...

    ************************************************** *******
    *** ALWAYS CHECK .desktop FILE!!! ***
    ************************************************** *******


      Re: Definitive wireless manager

      The trouble with wireless assistant is that it doesn't work well with the debian /etc/network/interfaces system and it doesn't work for wired networks.


        Re: Definitive wireless manager

        Then, debian/ubuntu/kubuntu have to create his own tool for configuring/running all wired or not interfaces, wpa included. Is there any roadmap for kubuntu about the full wpa thru GUI?


          Re: Definitive wireless manager

          I would really like too that Kubuntu can use WPA without having to edit a lot of files !
          Maybe NetworkManager should be (or will be, I'm not sure) used, and it seems that the WPA support is in progress !
          Read this :
 (read messages about WPA)
          and this :

          The KDE integration of NetworkManager (either with WPA support or not) would be a very good thing. Unfortunately, it seems it won't be ready for Dapper ( see ). However, it's exactly what I want !


            Re: Definitive wireless manager

            The biggest gripe that right now I personally have with kubuntu is the lack of user-friendly tools to handle WiFi. It isn't practical to always throw a iwlist wlan0 scan to see what connection is available and follow that with an unmentionable number of commands just to get connected to the local wireless LAN. It is also kind of stupid to "hard-code" the connection to a particular wireless LAN in the startup scripts.

            I believe that kubuntu is profoundly missing an application which handles all of the user's WiFi configuration needs with a couple of clicks. At first glance, an app like Wireless Assistant is exactly what we are desperately needing. It even looks like, at least UI-wise, it handles WiFi connections better than windows does. Unfortunately it doesn't work and therefore it isn't an option...

            It is a shame, really


              Re: Definitive wireless manager

              The first thing that Kubuntu should do is to integrate all networks management with a single program, like suse does actually with Yast and like will do in suse 10.1 with Network Manager. (I wonder if the OpenSuSE 10.1 Beta 3 already has this app).



                Re: Definitive wireless manager

                Originally posted by jriddell
                The trouble with wireless assistant is that it doesn't work well with the debian /etc/network/interfaces system and it doesn't work for wired networks.
                I have contacted pnawrocki, the wireless assistant developer, and he said that he is running slackware and cannot install hal and dbus. Also he does not like C++ at all so he does not have the proper motivation to change the distro now. He plans to continue developing wireless assistant and he wants to know the technical reasons since wa will not work on ubuntu. This is a part of his email:

                what is not working, what goes
                wrong. Does it compile? Does it scan properly? Are the problems
                related to connecting? Disconnecting, etc? I would like to ensure that
                the next release works flawlessly with that distribution, and
                therefore ask if you could possibly try to run in on (k)ubuntu and
                report what goes wrong. I have no access to a computer running that
                distro, and with the sparse information on the forums I am unable to
                figure out what the problem is. I would appreciate your help


                  Re: Definitive wireless manager

                  Version 0.5.5 is available, but still has no WPA support.
                  SourceForge page:

                  The Network Manager looks really good. Maybe thats something for Dapper?


                    Re: Definitive wireless manager

                    I would like to see network manager implemented in dapper, like xgl :P but I think sill not be usable in months. If Network Manager follows the gnome politics, you will not be able to configure it properly, have lots of problems, etc.

