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New to Kubuntu

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    New to Kubuntu

    Howdy, I've been using Gentoo for a few years, but my wife never had the patience for compiling. Finally I convinced her to dump Windows on her laptop and we installed Kubuntu yesterday. So far we have had nothing but problems. I'm hoping you guys can help me out.

    1 - The binary ATI driver is not loading correctly. DRI is failing and when I run fglrxinfo I'm getting the Mesa error. We have a Radeon X300 on her laptop, and I followed the following guide, including the so called "mesa-fix".

    2 - There appears to be no package for the sun-java6-plugin, nor a sun-java5-plugin on x64. Given that Sun has always supported x64, and most of the Sun Java code is GPL'ed now, I found this disheatening, especially when all the documentation and forum posts I've found keep saying just "apt-get install sun-java6-plugin". I'd sure like to if the package existed for me.

    3 - Kicker, Krunner, and Kdesktop have each crashed at least twice in the first 24 hours. I updated to the latest KDE, and still we've had crashes. memtest is good, and the HDD is good as far as I know. We never really had any problems with apps crashing in Windows x64.

    4 - We've had all kinds of crazy issues with her touchpad and the keyboard. I'm not sure if this is Xorg or the Kernel, but I may trying upgrading the kernel later. Her touchpad isn't very responsive, and again we didn't have any issues with it in Windows. If we hit a key on the keyboard, often it will pause, repeat ten times, or not repeat when we want it to. If you hold down backspace, it won't repeat at all for instance. When I'm typing, I'll randomly get ten t's in a row. However, at times I will be tapping left repeatedly on the console, and waiting as it takes a few seconds before the cursor moves.

    5 - This may be a Windows issue, but I have a printer shared on a Win2k box, which is a temporary thing, trust me. However, I'm upgrading all the hardware in my desktop, and I'm waiting on the time to reinstall Windows x64 and Gentoo on my new desktop. In the mean time, I needed a box up to share files and printers, so I put up one of my old clunkers. From Windows I could see the Printer shared, but in Linux, I can only see the file folders shared, and not the printer.

    6 - I know this is vague, but overall performance and system responsiveness has been a bit disappointing. OpenOffice in particular loads incredibly slow. Honestly, I may just build a new toolchain with some of the Suse patches, and then compile OpenOffice with the -Bdirect flag, because we tried Suse briefly, and OpenOffice did load quicker on that. A big reason for choosing Kubuntu is that we heard it was supposed to be a very fast distro. Are there any guides for speeding up Ubuntu/Kubuntu out of the box?

    As a suggestion, I would have liked to see either Reiser4 or Ext4 support. Your HDD is often the slowest component on your computer, and using a fast FS can and does make a difference.

    I hate to sound so negative. My wife loves KDE and is eager to learn Linux. However, we're hoping we can find solutions for some of these problems.

    Re: New to Kubuntu

    1. Post your xorg.conf and the result of "grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log && grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log".

    4. Poke about in the repositories for "synaptics" and also System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse.

    6. This is highly dependent on hardware specs. It might help to turn off visual effects (System Settings > Appearance > Style > Effects).
    For external use only.


      Re: New to Kubuntu

      I deleted the three extra inputs from xorg.conf and it seems to have helped.

      I'm not sure why the default desktop install is putting a Wacon into xorg.conf but that is just me.


        Re: New to Kubuntu

        Originally posted by enderandrew
        I'm not sure why the default desktop install is putting a Wacon into xorg.conf but that is just me.
        its like that by default just in case one does have a wacom, i guess...
        i could be wrong, but i believe its an xorg default not a distro default matter. although i'm sure the kubuntu maintainers/developers could modify it by default to not include those wacom sections...
        <br />


          Re: New to Kubuntu

          When I first opened the Kubuntu program, I had a wealth of problems too. One of the first helps I received was to open Adept Manager, go to the top of the page, and click on Full Upgrade then Apply. If you have not done this, do it now. It is pretty exciting when you do this, because everything in your system will be updated. Many of your problems will disappear, and you will be down to a few that can be solved pretty easily. If you have already done this, I probably am not at the technical level you need to proceed. I was amazed at how many problems just went away.

          Hope this helps,


            Re: New to Kubuntu

            Originally posted by disturbedite
            i believe its an xorg default not a distro default
            Actually, it's the other way round: the Kubuntu maintainers have introduced this (from my point of view "factual bug".


              Re: New to Kubuntu

              I've done a full update.

              We're still having odd xorg input glitches, random crashes all the time with a variety of apps.

              I wanted to update to the new version of yakuake, so I downloaded the source and did a ./configure only to find out the stock build environment is broken.

              I've downloaded several source pacakges, and they all fail immediately saying that the C compiler can not create executables. I tried removing and reinstalling glibc, binutils, and gcc. No luck.

              I'd like to update the kernel to the new mm release and switch to the CFS scheduler and all that goodness. I'm also hoping the latest wireless drivers from git might prevent the issues we're having there as well. However, if I can't compile anything, I'm screwed.


                Re: New to Kubuntu

                Originally posted by UnicornRider
                Actually, it's the other way round: the Kubuntu maintainers have introduced this (from my point of view "factual bug".
                i stand corrected. i did say i could be wrong tho...
                <br />


                  Re: New to Kubuntu

                  Originally posted by disturbedite
                  i did say i could be wrong
                  Understandable - to more so as with some of these "improvements", it is really hard to believe that they are supposed to make any sense at all (besides keeping this forum's "helping hands" busy ...) :P


                    Re: New to Kubuntu

                    "I've downloaded several source pacakges, and they all fail immediately saying that the C compiler can not create executables. I tried removing and reinstalling glibc, binutils, and gcc. No luck."

                    You might try installing the meta-package 'build-essential'



                      Re: New to Kubuntu

                      yes, good advice. thats the first the i usually install...
                      <br />

