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Kubuntu on VMWare

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    Kubuntu on VMWare


    I'm totally new to Kubuntu and almost new to linux. I only had a little experience with unix console but I don't really know much about the system itself so I've come asking for help. If my question was answered before, would someone give me a link because it's a complex problem and I don't know what phrase to search in the forums.

    I want to have winXP and Kubuntu on my laptop. I have them installed and running in dual boot without any problems. However, I would also like to run the very same Kubuntu in a VMWare workstation in winXP. I managed to do that but the virtual hardware is different than physical and it refused to start Xserver and that's not how I want it. I found a suggestion to reconfigure Xserver and managed to create a new conf file but then it wouldn't run on the physical machine without another reconfiguration.

    Now, is there any way to make Kubuntu run on both machines so that it would check which one it is on? And if so, how do I do it?

    Also, I think that virtual machine has much more differences in hardware than just graphics so I thought that maybe it would be easier to install another Kubuntu on the virtual disk and make it share with the first installation. I guess it would be enough to share the /home directory but I want it to share not only my settings but also applications I install and everything else except the hardware.

    So is it possible? How would I achieve such compatibility? Symbolic links to specific folders? Or mounting them after installation? And which folders? I have no idea what they are for so please make the answer detailed ;-)

    Thanks in advance to anyone who understood what I meant and can help me.