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CD ROM Detection problem

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    CD ROM Detection problem

    I have the following problem. I installed Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty in my home PC, everything worked fine, the only problem was that the cd drive I used was borrowed, so I had to returned it when I finished installing Kubuntu. Now I have a new cd drive and a installed it on my pc, (which also have windows xp installed). Windows recognized the new cd drive in a second, but kubuntu doesn´t recognize it. It created an entry in fstab similiar to this one (more or less):

    /dev/hdd /media/cdrom ******more things here******

    The problem is that there isn´t any "hdd" device in /dev, so when kubuntu tries to mount the cdrom it says there is an error because he can´t find any device with the name "hdd"

    I´ll appreciate any help any could give me,
    Thanks in advance

    Re: CD ROM Detection problem

    Feisty doesn't use hd* any more. Now everything is SATA. Change that hdd to scd0 (or more if you have more CD drives) and you should be fine.
    For external use only.


      Re: CD ROM Detection problem

      I changed it to scd0 previously, but when I tried to mount the CD, it kind of froze. I mean, it started to mount the device but never finished. Any clues?


        Re: CD ROM Detection problem

        Mine does that too, for some discs. The problem is, according to the messages in /var/log/syslog, that it's a bad disc. I don't know if it is or not, but it only seems to do it for some.

        What you can do is change it back to scd0 and try mounting something. If it freezes, open another terminal (Konsole's tabs are great for this) and issue "sudo killall -9 -w mount", wait until it completes, then try a different disc.
        Of course, also check your logs for a message like the one I mentioned.
        For external use only.


          Re: CD ROM Detection problem

          You may be a victim of Bug #96826.


            Re: CD ROM Detection problem

            Bug #96826 solution didn't worked for me, although my problem seems to be exactly that. During loading time, Feisty takes a delay of about 2 to 3 minutes. I changed my CD Drive from slave to master and in /dev there's nothing similar to a cdrom, no scd0, no cdrom, no hd*. I tried adding irqpoll to the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, but the delay still occurs and the cd is still unrecognized.
            Any clues?


              Re: CD ROM Detection problem

              I finally solved the problem, although I did it in a sort of "Windows" style. Since I had kubuntu installed for about 2 days, I decided to reinstall it with the new CD. When I did it, the installation went fine, after install, I enter Kubuntu and everything went OK. When I restarted the system, then the problem reappeared, when loading, the system had a delay of about 2 to 3 minutes and the CD went unrecognized. Then I added "irqpoll" in the grub configuration file as described in previous posts and restarted again. This time everything went perfect, no more delay and Kubuntu recognize the CD. Thanks for all the help.

