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Burning mp3's

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    Burning mp3's

    I'm looking for a program to burn audio CD's with the .mp3 format. I have k3b and Serpentine, but neither of them recognize the format.

    Re: Burning mp3's

    You need to add the mdeibuntu repo to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then down load libk3b2 and libk3b2-mp3 so that k3b can deal with mp3's. See these for info/instruction.

    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: Burning mp3's

      I won't start a new topic to discuss this very issue, so here we go:
      I installed Ubuntu (not K) in a PC, these mentioned packages are there, but when I drag a mp3 to the project window, it still says that the format is wrong. Is there something else other than "libk3b2-mp3" to get it working?
      First I installed Graveman, but it gave me the mp3 error, so I gave it up and tried K3B. Downloaded all the stuff but same problem. Something is missing.
      Any idea?
      Yes, mp3 files are played fine.


        Re: Burning mp3's

        Yeah, there's more. Somebody ought to write a list one of these days and post it on the "How Tos", because we do this about 3 times a week. :P

        Maybe the only one you're still missing is libmad0. Somewhere there's a list ....


          Re: Burning mp3's

          Hi, Dibl.
          I haven't found a precise How-to on this topic, I did a search here but users just talk about installing "libk3b2-mp3". Since the KDE multimedia infrastructure probably installs everything, except the mp3 stuff, users normally don't need to download anything else than this package. But apparently this "backstage" stuff is not installed in Gnome, thus "libk3b2-mp3" is not sufficient.
          I was thinking if it could be the "lame" packages. "libmad0" is installed, though. It is strange that "libk3b2-mp3" has no dependencies other than what K3B also depends on, and this is clearly broken.


            Re: Burning mp3's

            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Burning mp3's

              You are in a Kubuntu forum, so we presumed you're using Kubuntu, which has K3b as the CD burning app. For Ubuntu, I believe they prefer to use GnomeBaker.

              This page might help:
              Jucato's Data Core


                Re: Burning mp3's

                Assuming Dapper Drake, then:
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Burning mp3's

                  Gnomebaker and Graveman, both for Gnome, share the same multimedia packages, this means that I will have the same problem burning mp3 to audio cd in Gnomebaker as I did in Graveman (and K3b).
                  There is something else needed that is not included in the dependencies.


                    Re: Burning mp3's

                    Keep in mind, I'm running Kubuntu (so KDE). libk3b2-mp3 is required:

                    The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder - Medibuntu package
                    K3b is a GUI frontend to the cd recording programs cdrdao and cdrecord. Its aim is to provide a very user friendly interface to all the tasks that come with cd recording and a lot more.

                    This package contains runtime libraries for the MP3 decoder plugin
                    This package is built with dvd ripping support. Therefore, it is in Medibuntu as it might violate patents.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Burning mp3's

                      Rhythmbox and Totem seem to use libmad to decode mp3 for playback, but apparently neither Graveman, Gnomebaker and K3b use it to record an audio cd from mp3. It is THIS unknown decoder I am trying to find, which seems to come in Kubuntu (since just installing libk3b2-mp3 is enough to record the cd) but not in Ubuntu.
                      Of course installing all the decoding cr4p would make it work, but it's not smart. There must be the right way. :bored:


                        Re: Burning mp3's

                        Have you tried Goobox?

                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: Burning mp3's

                          I will try it, Snowhog. Tks.


                            Re: Burning mp3's

                            You're welcome. Let us know if it works for you.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Burning mp3's

                              It didn't, Snowhog.
                              BTW, here goes a thread on which a user has the same problem: installed the libk3b2-mp3 but the conversion didn't work. It's not only libmad0 and libk3b2-mp3, there must be something else.


