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MAC adress changeing-help me more

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    MAC adress changeing-help me more

    Is there a way to change the Mac adress of a network adapter in Kubuntu 6.06?
    I tried with [ip maddr add] and it added a second mac adress so I ended up with 2 mac adresses for the same network adapter (i still donno how that is possible). The I tried removing ( with [ip maddr del]) the old mac adress and it didn't let me to perform that said something that there is no such file or something like this.
    I tried editing the /etc/iftab and when I change the mac adress for eth0, after reboot, a new network adapter with the old mac apeared as eth1.
    I really need to do this as I can't use my internet under Kubuntu because of this, as the interent server uses the Mac adress for internet acces.

    i did it:
    sudo ifonfig eth0 down
    ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:0F:A9:1D:8B:5E
    ifconfig eth0 up
    Edit 2

    It works this way, but there is only a dosen't save the mac adress after reboot..
    Is there a way I can save it?
    please someone help me