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Modem conexant 56k

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    Modem conexant 56k

    Spero che qualcuno di voi parli Italiano e capisca quello che dico.Per gli altri invece,proverò a scrivere il tutto in inglese.


    I have a conexant 56k hsf modem (a winmodem ) .
    I use kubuntu dapper, and i've tried to use the linuxant drivers.
    The installation is ok and i use kppp to connect.But the velocity is limited to 14,4 kbs and i download at 1,5 Kb/sec.
    So i try to install the free drivers from this site :
    but i haven't disinstalled the other drivers before.
    When i try to connect the situation was the same.So i tried to disinstall all drivers (ald and new) by adept and it's ok.
    When i try to install new drivers from linuxant it say to me that in /usr/hsfmodem/lib/modules ecc...... he find the old modules that is ok for my system and ask me if i want to use this.
    All my response are teh same.If i write no,he say to me that i must find the good version for my system.If i write no, i have an error.
    I try to disinstall from the deb file (right click and than "action" "disinstall" ) and the hsfmodem is deleted.But when i try to install this deb file he found the same files in the same hsfmodem (that reappare).
    What i can do to delete all my old drivers and configuration files of the modem, to reinstall this from the start?
    Do you know a method to use my modem at 56k without pay license at linuxant?


    Ho kubuntu dapper. Ho un winmodem 56k hsf ed avevo installato i drivers dal sito Linuxant. Dopo averli installati,riuscivo a connettermi con Kppp.Però la connessione era limitata a 14,4 Kbs, ed in realtà non andava oltre i 1,5 Kb/sec. Così ho provato ad installare i drivers free dal sito
    ma avevo dimenticato di disinstallare quelli linuxant situazione non cambiava,così ho disinstallato tutto da Adept. Poi ho rpovato a installare di nuovo i drivers dal file deb ma ottenevo una risposta : "trovati nella cartella /usr/hsfmodem/lib/modules ecc..... i files di configurazione che sembrano essere compatibili con la tua versione. Usarli?" se io metto no mi dice di trovare i files compatibili ed esce.Se metto si poi mi da un errore.
    Se vado sul file .deb e clicco col pulsante destro, poi "azione" e poi "disinstalla" lui disinstalla correttamente e mi elimina quella cartella.Però quando poi riprovo ad installare dal file .deb mi ricrea la cartella e mi dice di nuovo che ha trovato quei files.Che devo fare per eliminare tutti i vecchi drivers e i loro files di configurazione?
    E come faccio a reinstallare da zero i drivers e portarlia velocità non limitata senza pagare la licenza linuxant?

    Re: Modem conexant 56k

    You might want to try this site:

    I've had a lot of trouble in the past uninstalling various drivers. I find that using
    instead of
    prevents this problem. It enters everything that was installed in the package manager where it is easy to find and remove.

    Unfortunately, I had to completely reset up Kubuntu several times before I learned this because I couldn't find all the files associated with some driver or another.

    Before I paid those people money for a driver - I'd consider getting a Linux friendly hardware modem instead. You can find good external Rockwells for only slightly more than they charge for a driver.

