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Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

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    Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

    I have swictched from Gnome, Ubuntu.

    I am very impressed with Kubuntu so far however I seem to have run in to a performance issue. I have 1.5gb of ram and nvidia is installed correctly so it is nothing to do with hardware. My system used to fly in Gnome so it should fly in KDE.

    Every now and then the system suddenly starts slowing down. The mouse judders along the screen when I move it. The windows are non responsive. The whole desktop goes sticky. Nothing I do seems to be improve it.

    It feels like there is something running in background however when I check I cannot any specific application that is hogging more memory. Then without doing anything the machine will run ok again. Performance will be sharp.

    Anyone else experienced this before? Got any ideas?
    Could it Kubuntu itself, are there any files that are particulary important that should be downloaded again to improve performance.

    Look forward to your help.

    Re: Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

    Hmm this sounds like something is throttling your cpu every so often, but to make sure it is the cpu have ksysguard running in the background, and when the system slows down check ksysguard's cpu graph.
    This definitely shouldn't be happening,


      Re: Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

      I reckon I have a serious hardware problem. Its so weird. I decided to use a livecd and that was exactly the same. **** I need a machine.

      Anyway I formated the drive and put Ubuntu back on, again same problem. Every so often the machine starts slowing down. Something internally is going wrong with the machine.

      What I am going to have to do is strip the machine down bit by bit and rebuild and see what is causing the problems.


        Re: Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

        I've seen this before. It sounds like a dying Hard drive. I would go over to and grab the full version. There are plenty of tests to help you get to the bottom of the problem.



          Re: Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

          Another (although fairly unusual) possibility is that for some reason the CPU is overheating and throttling that way. Check your CPU fan is running OK and not full of fluff and that the vents on your machine are not blocked in any way.


            Re: Performance issues!! Please I love Kubuntu I dont want to go back to Ubuntu

            I agree. One of my PCs ran a little hot and had similar probs (wierd, involuntary mouse movements and weird window behavior).... I'm trying to keep A/C use down: Naturally, that's not good for PCs (higher ambient room temps). A better heatsink/fan will likely solve my problems.

