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No wireless after update

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    No wireless after update

    I've been running Kubuntu 16.4.9 for about a year with no problems until updates a week ago.
    sudo lshw -C network
    *-network UNCLAIMED                                                                               
       description: Network controller                                                              
       product: BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter                                          
       vendor: Broadcom Corporation                                                                 
       physical id: 0                                                                               
       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0                                                                   
       version: 01                                                                                  
       width: 64 bits                                                                               
       clock: 33MHz                                                                                 
       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list                                          
       configuration: latency=0                                                                     
       resources: memory:c2500000-c2503fff                                                          
       description: Ethernet interface
       product: RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller
       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
       logical name: enp3s0
       version: 05
       serial: 78:e3:b5:66:67:6f
       size: 100Mbit/s
       capacity: 100Mbit/s
       width: 64 bits
       clock: 33MHz
       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix vpd bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 1
    0bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd autonegotiation
       configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI duplex
    =full firmware=rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes port=MII spe
       resources: irq:16 ioport:2000(size=256) memory:c1404000-c1404fff memory:c1400000-c1403fff

    If I try to start a virtual machine it show error msg:
    "Could not start the machine windows 7 because the following physical network interfaces were not found:
    wlo1 (adapter 3)
    You can either change the machine's network settings or stop the machine."

    I've tried to start interface manually, it shows:
    [FONT=monospace]wlo1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device[/FONT]
    Tried to restart network manager, reboot...

    [FONT=monospace]enp3s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:e3:b5:xx:xx:xx   
            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
            inet6 addr: fe80::89c:8a0d:4af4:c849/64 Scope:Link
            UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:2994730 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX packets:1479085 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000  
            RX bytes:4094984888 (4.0 GB)  TX bytes:120045907 (120.0 MB)
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback   
            inet addr:  Mask:
            inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
            UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
            RX packets:11715 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX packets:11715 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000  
            RX bytes:1189085 (1.1 MB)  TX bytes:1189085 (1.1 MB)[/FONT]

    [FONT=monospace]BCM4313 is a legacy wireless chip. Old. Really old.
    However, the installer should still be in your repository.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer

    (It will load the b43-fwcutter app)

    There is also the "firmware-b43legacy-installer" installer in the repository, which also uses the b43-fwcutter app.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      I think it installed... reboot, no change.

      dpkg.log2018-07-09 23:11:52 startup archives unpack
      2018-07-09 23:11:56 install b43-fwcutter:amd64 <none> 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:56 status half-installed b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:56 status triggers-pending man-db:amd64 2.7.5-1
      2018-07-09 23:11:57 status unpacked b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:57 status unpacked b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:57 install firmware-b43-installer:all <none> 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:57 status half-installed firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:58 status unpacked firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:58 status unpacked firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:11:58 trigproc man-db:amd64 2.7.5-1 <none>
      2018-07-09 23:11:58 status half-configured man-db:amd64 2.7.5-1
      2018-07-09 23:12:00 status installed man-db:amd64 2.7.5-1
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 startup packages configure
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 configure b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2 <none>
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 status unpacked b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 status half-configured b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 status installed b43-fwcutter:amd64 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 configure firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2 <none>
      2018-07-09 23:12:01 status unpacked firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:02 status half-configured firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:30 status installed firmware-b43-installer:all 1:019-2
      2018-07-09 23:12:31 startup packages configure


        Maybe something here that helps?

        [FONT=monospace]########## wireless info START ##########
        Report from: 09 Jul 2018 23:39 MDT -0600
        Booted last: 09 Jul 2018 00:00 MDT -0600
        Script from: 10 Jan 2018 20:04 UTC +0000
        ##### release ###########################
        Distributor ID: Ubuntu
        Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
        Release:        16.04
        Codename:       xenial
        ##### kernel ############################
        Linux 4.15.0-24-generic #26~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 15 14:35:08 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GN
        Parameters: ro, quiet, splash, vt.handoff=7
        ##### desktop ###########################
        ##### lspci #############################
        01:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter 
        [14e4:4727] (rev 01)
               DeviceName: Valentine 802.11b/g/n BT 4.0 combo
               Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter [103c:1795]
        03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/G
        igabit Ethernet controller [10ec:8136] (rev 05)
               Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controlle
        r [103c:1695]
               Kernel driver in use: r8169
        ##### lsusb #############################
        Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:6321 Microdia  
        Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
        Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
        Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
        Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a5c:21e3 Broadcom Corp. HP Portable Valentine
        Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
        Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
        ##### PCMCIA card info ##################
        ##### rfkill ############################
        0: hci0: Bluetooth
               Soft blocked: no
               Hard blocked: no
        ##### lsmod #############################
        hp_wmi                 16384  0
        sparse_keymap          16384  1 hp_wmi
        wmi_bmof               16384  0
        wmi                    24576  2 wmi_bmof,hp_wmi
        ##### interfaces ########################
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        ##### ifconfig ##########################
        enp3s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr <MAC 'enp3s0' [IF1]>   
                 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
                 inet6 addr: fe80::89c:8a0d:4af4:c849/64 Scope:Link
                 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
                 RX packets:151 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:266 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000  
                 RX bytes:54710 (54.7 KB)  TX bytes:42952 (42.9 KB)
        lo        Link encap:Local Loopback   
                 inet addr:  Mask:
                 inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
                 UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
                 RX packets:548 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:548 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000  
                 RX bytes:38042 (38.0 KB)  TX bytes:38042 (38.0 KB)
        vboxnet0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr <MAC 'vboxnet0' [IF2]>   
                 BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
                 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000  
                 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
        ##### iwconfig ##########################
        vboxnet0  no wireless extensions.
        enp3s0    no wireless extensions.
        lo        no wireless extensions.
        ##### route #############################
        Kernel IP routing table
        Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    100    0        0 enp3s0     U     1000   0        0 enp3s0   U     100    0        0 enp3s0
        ##### resolv.conf #######################
        ##### network managers ##################
        root       934     1  0 23:14 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
        ##### NetworkManager info ###############
        GENERAL.DEVICE:                         enp3s0
        GENERAL.TYPE:                           ethernet
        GENERAL.NM-TYPE:                        NMDeviceEthernet
        GENERAL.VENDOR:                         Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
        GENERAL.PRODUCT:                        RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller
        GENERAL.DRIVER:                         r8169
        GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION:                 2.3LK-NAPI
        GENERAL.HWADDR:                         <MAC 'enp3s0' [IF1]>
        GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
        GENERAL.STATE:                          100 (connected)
        GENERAL.REASON:                         0 (No reason given)
        GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/enp3s
        GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                       enp3s0
        GENERAL.IS-SOFTWARE:                    no
        GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     yes
        GENERAL.AUTOCONNECT:                    yes
        GENERAL.FIRMWARE-MISSING:               no
        GENERAL.NM-PLUGIN-MISSING:              no
        GENERAL.PHYS-PORT-ID:                   --
        GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     Wired connection 1
        GENERAL.CON-UUID:                       44d0b5be-99a8-34d1-8965-e2b662fedfdc
        GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1
        GENERAL.METERED:                        no (guessed)
        CAPABILITIES.CARRIER-DETECT:            yes
        CAPABILITIES.SPEED:                     100 Mb/s
        CAPABILITIES.IS-SOFTWARE:               no
        WIRED-PROPERTIES.CARRIER:               on
        CONNECTIONS.AVAILABLE-CONNECTION-PATHS: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/{3}
        CONNECTIONS.AVAILABLE-CONNECTIONS[1]:   44d0b5be-99a8-34d1-8965-e2b662fedfdc | Wired connection 1
        IP4.ROUTE[1]:                           dst =, nh =, mt = 1000
        DHCP4.OPTION[1]:                        requested_routers = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[2]:                        requested_domain_search = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[3]:                        requested_time_offset = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[4]:                        requested_domain_name = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[5]:                        requested_rfc3442_classless_static_routes = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[6]:                        requested_broadcast_address = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[7]:                        requested_netbios_scope = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[8]:                        requested_wpad = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[9]:                        next_server =
        DHCP4.OPTION[10]:                       expiry = 1531287243
        DHCP4.OPTION[11]:                       requested_interface_mtu = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[12]:                       requested_subnet_mask = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[13]:                       dhcp_lease_time = 86400
        DHCP4.OPTION[14]:                       dhcp_message_type = 5
        DHCP4.OPTION[15]:                       ip_address =
        DHCP4.OPTION[16]:                       requested_static_routes = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[17]:                       requested_domain_name_servers = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[18]:                       routers =
        DHCP4.OPTION[19]:                       broadcast_address =
        DHCP4.OPTION[20]:                       requested_ntp_servers = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[21]:                       requested_netbios_name_servers = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[22]:                       domain_name_servers =
        DHCP4.OPTION[23]:                       requested_ms_classless_static_routes = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[24]:                       subnet_mask =
        DHCP4.OPTION[25]:                       network_number =
        DHCP4.OPTION[26]:                       requested_host_name = 1
        DHCP4.OPTION[27]:                       dhcp_server_identifier =
        IP6.ADDRESS[1]:                         fe80::89c:8a0d:4af4:c849/64
        GENERAL.DEVICE:                         vboxnet0
        GENERAL.TYPE:                           ethernet
        GENERAL.NM-TYPE:                        NMDeviceEthernet
        GENERAL.DRIVER:                         vboxnet
        GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION:                 5.1.34_Ubuntu
        GENERAL.FIRMWARE-VERSION:               0xA2CDE001
        GENERAL.HWADDR:                         <MAC 'vboxnet0' [IF2]>
        GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
        GENERAL.STATE:                          10 (unmanaged)
        GENERAL.REASON:                         0 (No reason given)
        GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/virtual/net/vboxnet0
        GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                       vboxnet0
        GENERAL.IS-SOFTWARE:                    no
        GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     no
        GENERAL.AUTOCONNECT:                    yes
        GENERAL.FIRMWARE-MISSING:               no
        GENERAL.NM-PLUGIN-MISSING:              no
        GENERAL.PHYS-PORT-ID:                   --
        GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
        GENERAL.CON-UUID:                       --
        GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --
        GENERAL.METERED:                        unknown
        CAPABILITIES.CARRIER-DETECT:            yes
        CAPABILITIES.SPEED:                     unknown
        CAPABILITIES.IS-SOFTWARE:               no
        WIRED-PROPERTIES.CARRIER:               off
        ##### NetworkManager.state ##############
        ##### NetworkManager.conf ###############
        ##### NetworkManager profiles ###########
        [[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/TELUS4764-2.4G]] (600 root)
        [connection] id=TELUS4764-2.4G | type=wifi | permissions=
        [wifi] mac-address=<MAC address> | mac-address-blacklist= | ssid=TELUS4764-2.4G
        [ipv4] method=auto
        [ipv6] method=auto
        [[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ZTE MF279T*2.4G26B2_]] (600 root)
        [[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/SM-J120W1493]] (600 root)
        [connection] id=SM-J120W1493 | type=wifi | permissions=user:marla:;
        [wifi] mac-address=<MAC address> | mac-address-blacklist= | ssid=SM-J120W1493
        [ipv4] method=auto
        [ipv6] method=auto
        [[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/SM-G900W8_6536]] (600 root)
        [connection] id=SM-G900W8_6536 | type=wifi | permissions=user:marla:;
        [wifi] mac-address=<MAC address> | mac-address-blacklist= | ssid=SM-G900W8_6536
        [ipv4] method=auto
        [ipv6] method=auto
        ##### Netplan config ####################
        ##### iw reg get ########################
        Region: America/Edmonton (based on set time zone)
        country 00: DFS-UNSET
               (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (6, 20), (N/A)
               (2457 - 2482 @ 20), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
               (2474 - 2494 @ 20), (6, 20), (N/A), NO-OFDM, PASSIVE-SCAN
               (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
               (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (6, 20), (0 ms), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN
               (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (6, 20), (0 ms), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN
               (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
               (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 0), (N/A)
        ##### iwlist channels ###################
        vboxnet0  no frequency information.
        enp3s0    no frequency information.
        lo        no frequency information.
        ##### iwlist scan #######################
        vboxnet0  Interface doesn't support scanning.
        enp3s0    Interface doesn't support scanning.
        lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.
        ##### module infos ######################
        ##### module parameters #################
        ##### /etc/modules ######################
        ##### modprobe options ##################
        blacklist microcode
        blacklist ath_pci
        blacklist b43
        blacklist b43legacy
        blacklist ssb
        blacklist bcm43xx
        blacklist brcm80211
        blacklist brcmfmac
        blacklist brcmsmac
        blacklist bcma
        blacklist evbug
        blacklist usbmouse
        blacklist usbkbd
        blacklist eepro100
        blacklist de4x5
        blacklist eth1394
        blacklist snd_intel8x0m
        blacklist snd_aw2
        blacklist i2c_i801
        blacklist prism54
        blacklist bcm43xx
        blacklist garmin_gps
        blacklist asus_acpi
        blacklist snd_pcsp
        blacklist pcspkr
        blacklist amd76x_edac
        alias net-pf-3 off
        alias net-pf-6 off
        alias net-pf-9 off
        alias net-pf-11 off
        alias net-pf-12 off
        alias net-pf-19 off
        alias net-pf-21 off
        alias net-pf-36 off
        blacklist microcode
        remove iwlwifi \
        (/sbin/lsmod | grep -o -e ^iwlmvm -e ^iwldvm -e ^iwlwifi | xargs /sbin/rmmod) \
        && /sbin/modprobe -r mac80211
        softdep mlx4_core post: mlx4_en
        ##### rc.local ##########################
        exit 0
        ##### pm-utils ##########################
        ##### udev rules ########################
        ##### dmesg #############################
        [   22.058133] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e3.hcd failed with e
        rror -2
        [   22.058138] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e3.hcd not found
        [   27.517669] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp3s0: link is not ready
        [   27.747104] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down (repeated 2 times)
        [   27.747179] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp3s0: link is not ready
        [   29.238020] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link up
        [   29.238029] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp3s0: link becomes ready
        [   92.806287] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down
        [ 1192.975608] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link up
        ########## wireless info END ############

