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Can't install Opera or Vivaldi

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    Can't install Opera or Vivaldi

    Howdy, I'm trying to install both of these browsers and when I do so with qapt, I get the error, "Error: Cannot Satisfy Dependencies" I get that error on both browsers, which are both based on chromium. If anyone knows why and how to resolve it, I would be most appreciative.


    I'm not sure what qapt is, I'm guessing an apt gui of some kind. I just ran

    cd ~/Downloads
    sudo dpkg -i vivaldi-stable_1.2.490.35-1_amd64.deb
    and it all installed and ran OK. Opera has a ppa which they say you don't need to install but it will allow you to use apt / muon / discover to manage it.

    Side note, I took one look at Vivaldi and purged it. Horrible, horrible interface.

    This was on 14.04.
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      qapt is the gui thing that pops up when you double click a deb file. It can handle dependencies that you would have to manually install using dpkg.
      Having said that, grabbing the 64 b it deb file from the vivaldi website (same place where elija did his command-line foo), I don't get any dependency message. You should be able to click on a 'details' button or similar to show what those missing things are.


        I also have installed Vivaldi straight from the website with no problems. I actually like it and the idea behind it. What I don't like is all the red. Red everywhere. I'm sure I could change the default color to blue, but haven't played around with that yet. I blame KDE for having a subliminal connection to blue being a color of choice for all things good about a GUI.
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          Thanks for the help!

