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littel Conky issue

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    littel Conky issue

    After upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10 I noticed the Area of the desktop occupied by Conky is of a different (lighter) shade, anyone else noticed this?

    I don't see this.

    Here is my conky configuration.
    background yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Sans:size=8
    xftalpha 1
    update_interval 5.0
    total_run_times 0
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,skip_taskbar, sticky
    double_buffer yes
    minimum_size 200 200
    maximum_width 200
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders yes
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color white
    alignment top_right
    gap_x 12
    gap_y 42
    no_buffers yes
    uppercase no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    override_utf8_locale no
    There are some issues with conky version 1.10.0. I found some information on the Arch Linux forums.
    Problem with conky after update

    I don't know how you are drawing conky to your desktop, but there might be some useful information in that post. I'm working through the syntax error the OP posted about there.


      I did notice.

      On 14.04 to 15.04 I had to give it a few pixels offset to not overlap with my left side toolbar.
      On 15.10 I had to change this number of pixels a little.

      At the moment in 15.10 I use this:
      # Gap between borders of screen and text
      gap_x 90
      gap_y 10
      In 14.04 I use:
      # Gap between borders of screen and text
      gap_x 10
      gap_y 10


        I resolved my syntax error. I had to take a few swings at it to get it right.

        Here are a few changes that stood out to me from here.
        • wrap your config section in conky.config = { ... }
        • wrap your TEXT section in conky.text = [[ ... ]]
        • the config options are lookup values and you need to assign the values (i.e. use "=")
        • each line in the config section ends with ","
        • replace "yes" and "no" with "true" and "false", resp. (without quotes)
        • all values except numbers, "true" and "false" need quotes
        • comments are marked with "--" instead of "#"
        This was discussed on the Manjaro forum.
        Topic: new Conky syntax beginning from version 1.10

        The example conky.conf in Kubuntu 15.10 is found here.

        Originally posted by Teunis View Post
        After upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10 I noticed the Area of the desktop occupied by Conky is of a different (lighter) shade, anyone else noticed this?
        I may have drifted off topic. Was this issue resolved?


          About the shade of the Conky area, in my conkyrc I found a curious line setting a background colour, I really don't know how it got there...
          Commenting it out solved the issue.
          # own_window_colour brown

