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Process baloo_file using all cpu

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    Process baloo_file using all cpu

    I found my computer running very slowly and looking at the top command showed me that something called baloo_file was using 95% of CPU -- all that was left. My first reaction was to kill baloo_file, which I did. Then I found this

    telling me go to System settings > Search and make sure my home was on the list of ignored directories. I put it in File search, but then noticed that file search was not even enabled. There is also a Plasma search, but I can not see how to do anything on that list, so do not understand what it is for. Apparently, it has to do with something called Akonadi, which I have always avoided. But it appears that stopping that causes other problems, even with the

    Any suggestions?
    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

    from my experience it got stuck on some files.
    if from konsole you run balooctl stop ( you may have to pkill baloo_file for force it to stop) then run balooctl start then let it run and wait for it to stick on something.
    i had problems with it getting stuck on Konversation irc logs so had to add that folder to the 'Do not search these locations' in file search settings.


      OK, so it's the file search settings that apply. Thanks.

      Uh, why should it run at all. Do I really care?
      'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


        Originally posted by joneall View Post
        OK, so it's the file search settings that apply. Thanks.

        Uh, why should it run at all. Do I really care?
        That is up to you- do you often search for files based on content, date, etc?
        I find it handy enough, but I could live without it. It feels mighty fast to me, which is always a surprise for some reason.


          I have this issue too, baloo_file is using 100% of my CPU. Is there no option in the settings panel to turn this off completely


            system settings >> search >> File search >> uncheck "Enable File Search"


              Disable file search in settings. And i am not 100% sure but it can demolish an SSD drive.

