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Kubuntu 14.04 impossible to install

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    Kubuntu 14.04 impossible to install


    Iam very disapointed, because this is the first time since 2010, I could not install my usual kubuntu. What's happened ? In fact I launched the dvd, after downloading the iso here :, and I obtained blue classical 's kubuntu screan with an under window containing white rectangle. Impossible to click, just waiting, waiting, and nothing happened. I think it is simple a possible problem with the graphical driver inside the cd, that by default seems to be "Nouveau". I believed at first my pc was not compatible with this new distribution, I tried to install ubuntu -gnome- 14.04, it was successfull, but I want absolutly Kubuntu.

    My computer -bought in 2006- is :
    Intel double core, or heart, ddram 4 gb, hard disk more than 1 Tera bytes, my graphical card is Nvidia Geforce ...-I don't remember, but with the classical ubuntu identified as 72 if I recall-.
    For additional informations I burnt 3 dvd, with two different dvd burners, one dvd burner is LG, the other -recently bought-ASUS. The dvd + 4.7 Gb was classical tdk brand.

    The other request, can someone tell me how to obtain tool to format a partition, the idea is to format the completly the present ubuntu-gnome. Does it exist a tool like partition magic, ?

    Could someone help me please.

    Thx for any help.

    if ubuntu-gnome boots your should be able to boot up and install kubuntu there is not much difference. not a problem if you can't just install the "kubuntu-desktop" package. it will automagicly install all of the kubuntu stuff for you. then just select KDE for your session on the log in screen from there you can then uninstall the gnome packages..

    for partiting you can use GParted or the kde partition manager (gparted should come with ubuntu-gnome by default , and kde partition manager is installed by defalut for kubuntu) . either should work just fine for you. if you need/want to do this without the os running (i.e a live disc) try "parted magic "
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      Thx for your quick response

      Originally posted by sithlord48 View Post
      .... then just select KDE for your session on the log in screen from there you can then uninstall the gnome packages..
      How could you do that ?


        Are you saying that your LiveDVD is giving you the standard options (run off the CD vs install) and when you click with your mouse on the install icon nothing happens?
        If so, it suggests that either your iso download is defective, or the burn is defective.

        Here is how to check both the iso download and the CD burned using it.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Thx GreyGeek for your answer
          Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
          Are you saying that your LiveDVD is giving you the standard options (run off the CD vs install) and when you click with your mouse on the install icon nothing happens?
          Indeed, this was exactly the case. Impossible to click, just a white rectangle inside a classic kubuntu blue theme.

          If so, it suggests that either your iso download is defective, or the burn is defective.
          As I said above, the download was taken from your website, or at least, the best area where we could find kubuntu. Secundly, as, I said, at the begining I suspected something like that, it means that I suspected my dvd burner -LG- burnt bad, even though I burnt several -during several years- dozens of DVD, and especially many kubuntu, ubuntu, open suse distribution, gparted live -it runs very well- etc...After I decided to burn with my new -ASUS- dvd burner. I burnt 3 kubuntu dvd with the same bad result -one in automatic speed as usual, the second 8x -. You will have to notice that this the first time that this problem occured, untill now, I've never seen a such problem. Then does it mean that my dvd burner is really bad ? As you have many downloaders that downloaded this kubuntu 14.04, if a such problem rose, I think since May 2014 you must be aware.
          Nevertheless, I considere this problem is very strange.

          Here is how to check both the iso download and the CD burned using it.

          Ok I will check, even though the workaround proposed to me above worked very well.

          Last edited by nemrod; Jun 24, 2014, 03:56 PM.


            It's impossible for me to say if your DVD burner is good or bad. Sometimes a bit goes astray. That's why one uses the slowest burn rate available AND checks the CD/DVD afterwards to see if the burn is good. There used to be a menu option on LiveCDs that allowed one to check the CD for errors, IIRC. Occasionally my download was bad, but a second download of the same file checked out good. My DVD burner is good but I've had the occasional bad burn with an ISO that checked good. Such are the electronic gremlins.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Did you try the option of running Kubuntu without the live session?If not you can try the nomodeset kernel parameter


                Thx for your help.
                The problem came from -I strongly suspect - K3B software burner. I've installed ubuntu gnome by default, after, it was easy to add kde library, hence the installation was completly successfull.

                My experience:
                I wish to add my little experience during this installation:
                I had an old win xp, just want to conserve it, I decided to do another partition, I 've fomated into fat32, in the goal to format it into ext3, and to install ubuntu inside this new partition. The set up failed to install ubuntu. I deleted the partition, after that the installation was ok.



                  The solution of my problem :
                  Iam not a specialist system and even less a specialist linux, for that reason I had difficulties to explain.

                  The problem was the session live dvd frozen, once this problem identified it could be easy to search on Google and find a solution.
                  My PC is an intel double heart very realiable, your dvd on your website is realiable too, reliable was your K3B software, and my dvd burner hardware are reliable too.
                  As many -if not most- of problems came from graphic card you should have to deactivate one graphic card if you have 2, -if there are other solutions please post iam as many not a linux specialist-.

                  Launch the dvd live session as normal and type :

                  F6 other option

                  after you can easily install kubuntu.
                  Thx to those help me, if it was not the real solution, nevertheless, it helped to disover other workaround. I think it is a classical solution.


                    I'm gonna hijack your thread, and post my case.

                    Hey folks,

                    I'm back. I have been a happy camper with my Kubuntu since 7.04 Feisty. A couple of weeks ago my 12.04 LTS Precise took a dive and died. Actually it was the HDD, but anyway, the bugger would not fire up any more.

                    I got me a new HDD, and dug up my Linux CD's. I seemed to have 9.04 and 10.04 available. Went to BIOS to find out my new HDD was visible and to boot from CD and booted with 10.04 Lucid Lynx. Well, no go. The installation went nowhere. Bad CD, I thought and switched over to trusty old 9.04 Jaunty. Installation went fine, and I thought updating as far as possible, maybe to 14.04.

                    But no go. The version was unsupported and not able to update, because of obsolete packages and addresses. I tried to fiddle with sources.list as well as I could with vi, but I could not upgrade to 9.10 or anything else.

                    Then I decided to download the TT 14.04 from, with 9.04. The K3B said "the file is too small, continue if you know what you are doing". Hell, stop it, I thought, I've done this before. Coaster number one. I tried to burn it on CD :-( Downloaded the TT again, compared them MD5 and SHA256 checksums, installed it with high hopes, but TT hangs at 70% no matter what. bcmwl-kernel-source(amd64). I tried two times.

                    I decided to download the 14.04 again from different peer, and just when the dl was 98% done, a memory full error popped up! Of course, it had nowhere else to save but memory, and all I have is 2Gb, so no wonder. The .iso file is 1Gb.

                    Back to drawing board, and on with the installation of 9.04. once more, and downloaded and burned one more .iso of 14.04. It didn't ring my bells just yet. One more installation of TT, and it hangs @70% again. Same exect file once more. Grrrr. I was afraid the disc partition being messed too much already, but I got the installation going again, the 4th time, but it hangs at 70%............

                    I slept overnight, and tried again next morning. Hmm, bcm... That's the Buffalo wifi PCI card I don't use anymore, and it has no "drivers" any more! Immediately put on a headlamp, grabbed a screwdriver and took out the Buffalo from my setup. Then I compared the MD5 and SHA256 again and I saw I had been fiddling with TT 14.04 and not TT 14.04.01! Two coasters more. I think the wifi removal was enuff, BUT THE MOJO WORKS AGAIN! 200Mb of updates later, I'm a happy camper again.

                    Lesson learned, take nothing for granted, when it comes to...
                    See here 1st.


                      I deleted this because it was double post.
                      Last edited by tafi; Oct 28, 2014, 11:46 AM. Reason: I posted double.
                      See here 1st.

