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CD/DVD Writer recognizes CD but not DVD

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    CD/DVD Writer recognizes CD but not DVD

    While trying to repair my broken test 13.10 installation I came to realize painfully that my CD writer does recognize CDs but ignores DVDs. I need it to read my installation DVD 13.10.

    Here is some basic info:

    sudo lshw -class disk:

    description: DVD writer
    product: CD/DVDW SD-R6472
    vendor: TOSHIBA
    physical id: 0.0.0
    bus info: scsi@1:0.0.0
    logical name: /dev/cdrom2
    logical name: /dev/cdrw2
    logical name: /dev/dvd2
    logical name: /dev/dvdrw2
    logical name: /dev/sr0
    version: TR50
    capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r
    configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc

    (there was a DVD in there!)

    When opened with kb3 (which also reports no medium present when a DVD is inserted), the command 'mount' gives this:

    /dev/sr0 on /media/cdrom type iso9660 (ro)

    /dev/sr0 on /media/Kubuntu 12.04.1 LTS i386 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8, mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks)

    I have a CD/DVD writer which is apparently working. But where and how is it mounted?

    I tried to modify fstab which did not work. I attempted to mount the reader manually. Error: Already mounted or busy.

    I tried other suggestions in various Kubuntu and Ubuntu places: No luck.

    How do I get DVDs to be read by the reader/writer?

    I am not the only one with this problem. therefore someone should know the answer to my question.

    Here it is, answered in another Kubuntuforum thread:

    It involves getting rid of a faulty mkisofs and cdrecord packages that are part of the standard Kubuntu repositories. the problem is supposedly solved by installing the 'real' mkisofs and cdrecord files by compilation and a new link to the actual working files.

    Since I have had bad experiences every time I attempt to copmpile anything, I will wait to see if the maintainers will eventually fix this problem.

    The referenced link also points to a website that explains why this problem exists in the first place. Looks like there are some egos involved.

    But do Kubuntu users have to pay the price for that?

