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11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

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    11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

    >i just installed updates for 11.10 on my HP g71 notebook. dual core Pentium T4300 2.10ghz. linux 3.0.0-12, kde 4.7.2. now my fan is running all the time and making a terrible racket. my core temp used to run around 125 Fahrenheit and is now running at about 95 to 105 or so when idle, which is good i guess. the prob is the fan running constantly and the noise it is making is really loud, vibrating so that i can feel it when i touch the computer. i've searched google for the issue and can't find much beyond technical jarb on changing the fan speed, which i can't figure out how to do. being somewhat of a newb i'm going to need a little help with this in simple language. i did blow out the fan vents and that didn't help. i really don't want to take this thing apart, really involved job to get at the mother board. i believe the update did this because it was fine before, though running a little warm. any help would be appreciated. thanks

    Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

    please do not cross post. one post about this is enuff.

    your cpu is running colder because the fan is on. check your bios settings have an option to keep the fan on always (check to be sure you have not enabled this) if no then try starting the kernel w/ a noacpi option. perhaps your acpi table is not being read correctly.
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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      Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

      I'm sorry you are having problems and hope this will help a bit.

      a) the noise is not caused by "Kubuntu" except in that the fan is running fast all the time. it is caused by the fan running continuously and probably at a higher speed than normal, for some reason of which I do not know.

      When the fan was running at a slower speed you probably just didn't hear the noise. Now that it is running all the time and fast you are hearing the fractional wear on the axle.

      There are quite a few websites on how to open the case and either blow the fan out or remove it and clean it.

      As to changing the fan speed itself this might be of help.

      You can run "fan control" with this command:

      sudo /usr/sbin/fancontrol &

      then come back and tell us what happened.

      You didn't mention how you got the information on the temps etc. but there is a package which will install sensors and from which you can control the fan speed.

      $ Sudo aptitude( or apt-get) install lm-sensors
      $ Sudo sensors-detect

      it will ask you some questions, just go with the "default" on all of them and reboot your computer

      hope this helps a little and if you want to wait a while , you could wait to get an answer from a person more expert in this.

      Love Thy Neighbor Baby!


        Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

        (Mod edit. Merged into single thread in Hardware Support.)


          Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

          ha, i knew it. it was a bug in kubuntu 11.10. i installed ubuntu 11.10 with a kde desktop (unity sucks) and my fan problem went away instantly. no more noise, no more vibration. the only thing i can think of that would have caused that is kubuntu was sending a screwed up voltage to my fan. it works perfect after uninstalling kubuntu. my core temps are running 15 degrees cooler now and no more noise. somebody explain that one! i was also having bad problems getting other user accounts to work. i would create them in my admin account and when i tried to log into them, i couldn't, root forced me to enter a new password every time. i couldn't even do that because when i tried the login manager would freeze up and i would have to power off to start over. maybe my install was bad, but, i had nothing but problems with kubuntu from the get-go. the ubuntu install with the kde desktop is working great. sorry kubuntu but i rate you as a big FAIL.


            Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

            Thanks for the warning about Kubuntu but to be honest as a long time KDE and Kubuntu user I know you are about 180 degrees off course

            I agree a fresh install should just work but reality is sometimes a little more complicated and finding a solution to the problems you had would possibly helped others too.


              Re: 11.10 fan issues, running constantly, NOISY!!!

              well, the same problem began after some other modifications. after some digging, i figured it out. i uninstalled fancontrol (3.3.0-4ubuntu1), rebooted, problem fixed. don't really understand why that was causing trouble, i didn't modify any settings, just installed the package. so, removing fancontrol solved the problem. thanks for the input y'all. hope this can help someone else.

