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Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

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    Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

    Oxygen-gtk doesn't work in Oneiric. I tried to fix it but without success. Snapshot of pavucontrol:

    And microphone stoped working/responding in Oneiric. In Natty it works.

    So anybody have/had similar problems and knows how to solve it?
    Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:

    Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

    Ok mic seems to work while some recording application is running.

    Oxygen-gtk still not fixed. Any ideas?
    Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:


      Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

      And it seems that oxygen-gtk doesn't work with pavucontrol but works with other gtk applications like chromium, firefox, gtk-recordmydesktop etc...

      Does anybody else have problem with pavucontrol like on the screenshot in my first post?
      Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:


        Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

        Originally posted by schnelle
        And it seems that oxygen-gtk doesn't work with pavucontrol but works with other gtk applications like chromium, firefox, gtk-recordmydesktop etc...

        Does anybody else have problem with pavucontrol like on the screenshot in my first post?
        Ok, if you are accessing this pavucontrol as root (As I suspect you might be), you have to perform the following steps to get it to work.

        This will also help with any gtk app while running as root.

        1. sudo -i and enter password
        2. cp /home/useraccount/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 ~
        3. ln -s /root/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 .gtkrc-2.0

        Its a good idea to also link .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 to .gtkrc-2.0 in your own home directory.

        Try running the application after you do this.

        I had some issues with gtk apps while running 11.10 beta also and this fixed them.

        Funny, because I have been using this gtk fix for like 5 years... You think the Kubuntu devs would do this automatically by now :-D.

        Hope this helps!


          Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

          Thanks Joe. I hope this will be fixed in the final release.
          Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:


            Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

            Well, I sure hope the devs include this, but as I mentioned, its been a problem for a long time, so just keep it handy for future use if needed

            Glad it helped



              Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

              Because it could cause applications to be unable to run as root in other desktop environments, I think.


                Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                If you are running a gtk application as root, it takes its theme setting from the root directory, and not your home directory; /root is the "home" directory for the gtk theme files for applications run as kdesudo. So to set a theme for gtk applications run as root (i.e. Synaptic) you need to run:

                kdesudo gtk-chtheme

                or whatever you use to change gtk themes. This will not affect gtk applications run as a user. I use a different theme as root as a reminder.

                By the way, you probably should not be running pavaucontrol as root, for roughly the same reason -- pulseaudio setting are (at least by default) configured on a user basis. Unless you have changed things, settings made as root may not apply properly to applications you run as a user.

                We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                  Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                  I didn't run pavucontrol as root.

                  I reinstalled Oneiric with daily build and this is not fixed. It affects other gtk apps as well:
                  Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:


                    Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working


                    Vote for oxygen-gtk3 to be packaged
                    Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:


                      Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                      I have this bug, too. It's not just a, "root," bug but shows up in Cheese and others gtk apps as well. This is off of September, 27 daily build.


                        Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                        I have had trouble with this also... and gtk fonts.
                        I have found the best way to overcome this is by using only krunner and not konsole :
                        kdesu systemsettings and set as you require.
                        You may need to do this a number of times, change and change back again before it "takes".
                        IIRC a restart or login helped.

                        Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

                        "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


                          Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                          It isn't exactly a bug; the problem appers only for GTK3 apps, as we don't have oxygen-gtk3(probably will be named gtk3-engines-oxygen) packaged - it isn't officialy released yet


                            Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                            Uploaded oxygen-gtk3 just now, if anyone wants to test:



                              Re: Problems in oneric: oxygen-gtk not working, mic not working

                              Sorry, I didn't understand if it's fixed or not, nor how to fix it.
                              Since the upgrade to Kubuntu 11.10, the oxygen-gtk issue affects me too. It doesn't work when I run palimpsest (root or not).

                              Edit: And I'm having this same issue with Libreoffice:

