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upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

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    upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

    Having upgraded with no problems on 2 other boxes, I went for my HP Netbook. About 2/3 through the "cleanup" phase (according to the visible progress bar), I got a little msg window at the screen bottom telling me that a reboot was needed to complete the upgrade (or something like that). I clicked the offered "reboot now" button, and that led to a text-only screen with this at the top: "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu5", some minimal instructions, and a "grub>" command line. I have no idea what to do with this.

    I should possibly mention that this is a dual boot box (Windows/Kubuntu), and I'm running Kubuntu with a swap, root, and useraccount (/home) partition - exactly as I do on my other two boxes. I'm hoping not to have to load 11.04 from scratch now that this has happened, but don't know what I can do at this point.

    All suggestions most welcome.

    Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

    Looks like it has lost track of where the kernel image is located. I would think the simplest approach might be to re-install Grub from a Live CD, making sure to "point" it to the partition where your Linux system is installed.

    You're needing the information in Section 3.


      Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

      Thanks! I was rather thinking that I was having most likely a grup-only problem, but I don't much trust my thoughts about such things. Yours, however, I'll run with...!


        Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

        That was a very bad idea. I'd almost done the same Luckily for me I realized that upgrade was not yet complete. In your case I would:
        1. boot up from Live CD/DVD
        2. use chroot to access my old system
        3. try running apt to clean up the mess
        Probably your grub configuration is damaged. I noticed that during the cleanup phase, kpackagekit was messing around a lot with grub by removing all of my old kernels one by one and generating nvidia drivers with new the initrd image during each change. You probably interrupted the process.
        I would try method 3 up to point 7: (just mount the old system and launch apt/dpk to finish the upgrade).


          Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

          After my upgrade using distro upgrade in package manager, I had the same problem. Reboot, grub recovery with a message about some missing thing or other.

          I fixed it by booting off my 10.10 install CD and running it live.

          Open a terminal, mount your regular / to /mount and then run install-grub onto it.

          Worked for me.


            Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

            I allowed the upgrade to complete and still had the same problems

            reinstall grub while running from the live CD worked for me


              Re: upgrade to 11.04 leads to grub command line only

              Sorry guys. Your suggestions either overwhelm me with detail or are too general (assuming I already know things I don't). I'm in over my head. Going to simply do a fresh install. I could have done a couple of those in the time I've been spinning my wheels trying to fix this.

              However, other folks may well benefit from your suggestions.

     we have a bug in the install process? Should this not be happening? Well, if so, someone who know how will have to report it. I've already blown 4 hours on this which I didn't have. Gotta get this thing working...

              Thanks for the response. Always appreciated.

