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wifi connection imidiately after awakening

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    wifi connection imidiately after awakening

    I've got this on desktop machine by connecting power button to my shell script (it call pm-suspend and after woke up it is refreshing network and even adjuting time via ntp)

    But on laptop I have problems:
    NetworkManager needs too much time to reconect wifi after wake up.
    There is wl (broadcom wifi driver - chosen by Kubuntu) and I can't manage it via iwconfig (to insert essid and WEP key). I googled a lot, but I didn't find nothing for Kubuntu... so if networkmanager can do this there have to be "something"...
    Second thing is that /etc/acpi/ is not solution to call the script until powerDevil or other KDE daemon maneges of closeing the lid.

    What do You think??


    Re: wifi connection imidiately after awakening

    Use wpa_supplicant instead of iwconfig to make the connection ;-)
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin


      Re: wifi connection imidiately after awakening

      Thanks for quick answer...

      but it seems that wpa_supplicant has no influence on wl driver.
      I checked this on desktop first. I created /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and by
      wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
      I can insert essid and key but for ath_9k driver.
      It doesn't work for laptop, but I changed driver to brcm80211 and it works.
      However proprietary wl driver supports led diode that is pointing hardware availability.

      Also in previous topic I found solution how call script after resume (by /etc/pm/sleep.d/

      Maybe someone has another idea how to force wl to work "from finger" ??

