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Kubuntu Hardware Timing (Insufficient settling/debounce/etc pause in code).

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    Kubuntu Hardware Timing (Insufficient settling/debounce/etc pause in code).

    This a general post. It has been my experience that Kubuntu experiences more hardware issues because of timing issues than Ubuntu. It seems that insufficient pauses are written into code to allow for settling/seek/debounce or whatever in order to more robustly control hardware, or that there is, in general, insufficient hardware checking to ensure settling out before stepping through the next instructions. The NVIDIA and ATI video drivers are classic examples of an absence of robust coding to allow for different monitor configurations. The screwey or erratic behavours of video/sound/hard drive might be solved by something as simple timing where simple do nothing cycles would suffice, but based not on cycles alone, but real time (ie actual milliseconds). A good example is keyboard switch debounce. All switch contacts "bounce" when seen at high speed to a processor, but to a human, no such thing is seen because it happens too fast. So, the standard solution was to add do nothing cycles until the switch was deemed to be in a steady, full contact state, before its on or off state could be correctly and accurately determined. I believe it is these same hurry up and wait hardware conflicts that are plaguing Kubuntu over Ubuntu. My Ubuntu 11.04 has no problems with my NVIDIA, but just once I'd like be able to install Kubuntu, change my monitor settings from something you need a scanning electron microscope to read to something a human could actually read, save the changes like it "lies" to you on monitor settings and have them stay put for the next time you reboot. A save "settings button" is quite a useless appendage in all the versions of Kubuntu that I have ever tried. Yet it never fails to save settings in Ubuntu. Can't Ubuntu and Kubuntu just get along?

    Re: Kubuntu Hardware Timing (Insufficient settling/debounce/etc pause in code).

    I think you need to spend some time studying how modern software works.
    The next step is generally only initiated when the previous has been completed.
    Contact bounce is typical for mechanical switches, software only knows 0 or 1, on or off, the length is mostly depending on the processor speed, too short or too long is no issue.

    About the screen resolution, these days most people use LCD screens and they are best used at their native resolution.
    When that delivers illegible text you are better off changing the font size and/or DPI.

