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Evony causing adobe flash to crash

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    Evony causing adobe flash to crash

    I have been playing Evony for a while and for those who do not know it is a Adobe Flash based game. I have been running Mandriva 2010 Spring (64bit) for about the past year and have been able to play it with no problems what so ever, as well as in Vista.

    However when I have installed Kubuntu (10.4 or 10.10) and OpenSuse (11.3) the game will attempt to load then not do anything. After several tries the flash plugin will cause Firefox to crash.

    I am wondering what could be different about Mandriva that it would work perfectly fine on there but Opensuse or Kubuntu it will not.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    Re: Evony causing adobe flash to crash

    Did you add the Medibuntu repository, and install the 'restricted' packages it offers, for DVD playback, and the 'other' codecs?
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

