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Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

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    Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

    This is a little confusing. I'm trying to install the Maverick Alpha 2 in VirtualBox, and here is what happens:

    1. Choose language

    2. Choose "try kubuntu without installing"

    3. Start Installer

    4. Drop to login screen

    So here are my questions:

    1. Why is Kubuntu dropping me to the login screen when I try to run the installer?

    2. What the heck is the login and password I'm supposed to use to get back in?

    Anyway, thanks for any help you can provide...

    Re: Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

    I'm not sure how "ready" MM is for prime time. That being said, why don't you try the Alternate Install CD, if your goal is to install it? And there's no password on the installation CDs.


      Re: Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

      A couple days ago, while trying to install Kubuntu 10.4 onto a friends Dell E510 machine, I ran the LiveCD, and from it clicked the "Install" icon. I'd get the busy wheel for a minute or so and then it would go away and nothing else happened.

      So, I opened a konsole and issued:
      ubiquity kde-ui
      and I got the installation dialog straight away. The install went perfectly and the fellow was happy with the results.

      He had been using Windows for years but his 5 year old box was getting old and he said XP was slow to boot and ran very slow. It turned out that he was loaded with viruses and a keyboard logger (just like the N510 I converted a couple years ago) and since he did online banking with it I suggested that he change his bank account login info and the passwords at all of his online sites. I stuck a video cam on his box and connected remotely with him a couple hours later to test screen sharing, which worked fine. He remarked that XP had never run as fast as Kubuntu LL runs. He's an RN who travels to patients homes to administer medicine, change bandages, etc..., and needed to send in reports via Word *.doc files. I set up his OOo to save as *.doc files.

      I told him that the mouse under Kubuntu works the same was as it did under XP. The only things he'll have to learn is which Linux apps replace the Windows counter parts, where in the menu hierarchy they are located, and how their menu and operating icons work. Fortunately, when I hit F1 on OOo he was presented with a complete help system which allayed his fears.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

        The daily builds do have this bug > Bug #608382: Error: Unkown keyword in configuration file
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Trying to install in VirtualBox, keep getting dropped to login screen.

          Originally posted by dibl
          I'm not sure how "ready" MM is for prime time. That being said, why don't you try the Alternate Install CD, if your goal is to install it? And there's no password on the installation CDs.
          There might not be a password on the install CD, but when you get to the login screen it won't let you get to the desktop.

