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cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything

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    cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything

    I went to look for new software in the software repository and can not find anything at all. i even went edit the repository and replaced maveric with lucid and no luck. i was able to somehow thru command line get the older symptic thing installed and do it that way with the lucid options edited in. I cant even isntall opera as when i downloaded the correct package i click on install and the button just pushes down and does nothing.... I am using Kubuntu and i think its the latest release with all the updates. the funny thing is the update part works just fine....

    Re: cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything

    For troubleshooting purposes, let's try installing opera from the command line in a terminal and see what happens. Please post any error messages you get. First open a terminal, there's link to it somewhere in your Menu. Then issue the following command at the prompt.

    sudo apt-get install opera


      Re: cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything


        Re: cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything

        Originally posted by dzuchowski
        i even went edit the repository and replaced maveric with lucid and no luck....
        That's not a good idea. You should switch back.

        Maverick is an alpha release. Problems and breakage should be expected. If you skill sets aren't sufficient to work with such problems you should consider remaining with 10.4. It is, after all, an LTS release.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: cant install any packages from the repository and cant search for anything

          I must have been confused by his original post, because I read it that he had replaced MM with LL. Now I see that he merely edited the sources. Not the same thing.

