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soundKonverter MP3 support

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    soundKonverter MP3 support

    Hi Folks,
    I used to convert mp3's with soundKonverter (in batch mode) using variable/average bitrate (seems to be the most economical). Recently I noticed that abr/vbr is not available with mp3 anymore, instead I can only encode with constant bitrate (cbr). In Preferences>Libraries it says I have only partial support for MP3... what is that supposed to mean? I'm pretty sure I used to have full support... and I have a **** load of libraries installed...

    Any ideas or suggestions? Can someone tell me which library exactly I need? I'm somewhat lost ...

    I'm running lucid (64bit).


    Re: soundKonverter MP3 support

    A simulated install of soundkonverter reports the following will be installed:
    apport-hooks-medibuntu faad ffmpeg flac freepats icedax kdelibs-data
    kdelibs4c2a libavahi-qt3-1 libavdevice52 libavfilter0 libavformat52
    libdc1394-22 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libenca0 libfaac0 libfaad2
    liblircclient0 liblua50 liblualib50 liblzo2-2 libmp3lame0 libopenal1
    libsvga1 libx264-85 libxvidcore4 mp3gain mplayer mppenc soundkonverter speex
    timidity timidity-daemon vorbis-tools vorbisgain wavpack
    You can check your system for these, but keep in mind, that I have a 32-bit CPU.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: soundKonverter MP3 support

      Thanks for your quick reply, Snowhog.

      I haven't checked all of these, but I've removed soundKonverter, autoremoved in apt-get, and installed it again, and it looks like most or all of the packages were installed, and there were certainly no errors or dependency problems...

      Actually I don't think soundKonverter automatically installs a complete MP3-library - that would probably cause copyright problems... (ogg-vorbis works perfectly fine btw.).

      I suspect a problem with some third-pary/restricted MP3-libs...


        Hi Chopstick.
        I solved by installing 'lame' package and restarting soundKonverter.

        Hope it helps.

