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Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

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    Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

    Has anybody else seen a significant increase in Dolphin crashes?

    May be my system but Dolphin is now always crashing. Krusader is rock solid though.

    Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

    I haven't seen the problem.

    May I suggest starting Dolphin from a terminal window, and leave the window running, and then when Dolphin crashes there should be error output that might help understand what's happening.


      Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

      yeah I am getting the very same ANNOYING bug(s) that will make dolphin crash from even looking at its entry in the taskbar on both Kubuntu Lucid 32-bits and Opensuse (I forgot to untick a repo and it installed kde 4.5 rc2 (actually 4.4.93 which is newer than the 4.4.92 available for kubuntu) along with the update to 11.3 ..GRRRRRRRRRR) 11.3 so it defo it's not a matter of distros.. I wonder how they have the cheek to release it and if kde developers do some testing AT ALL.. it looks like with them often it's just a matter of compiling and go like "lets call it RC2 and release it" I.e. theres also a bug on KNotes that's turned it into an almost unusuable píece of software and it's been there from the first beta I tried through RC2 and I am sure it might even make it to the final release. It looks like KNotes developers just do not use it since to notice it all you have to do is click on the icon in the system tray with the left to get a list of notes so you can select the one you want to read, edit, etc and it will just pop up a menu just like the right button does.
      Does anyone know a way to get rid of 4.5 and go back to 4.4.5 without deleting kde, removing the beta repo and reinstalling kde?

      Anyways, thank you for the untinded tip on Krusader (it'd fallen into oblivion with me)
      Blow out the candles on all my frankensteins.


        Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

        I don't have frequent Dolphin crashes in 4.5 RC2, but it does seem that Dolphin crashes are not quite as rare in RC2 as they were in RC1.
        Shinda Sekai Sensen<br /><br />Kubuntu Maverick RC x64 w/ Kde 4.5.2 (main)<br />Kubuntu 10.04 x64 w/ Kde 4.5.1 to be wiped, no point in keeping it any longer


          Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

          No problems on my installation.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

            Thanks DIBL for the Konsole suggestion on 15th July (been away a couple of days - 90th birthday celebration - not mine - yet!!)

            It seems not to be crashing so often as last week; after recent updates.

            Just tried your suggestion; had three crashes in about 5 minutes. Below are the 2 crash reports from the last failures. Any suggestions?

            FAILURE 1
            KCrash: Application 'dolphin' crashing...
            KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
            QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 22 and type 'Read', disabling...
            FAILURE 2
            KCrash: Application 'dolphin' crashing...
            KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
            KCrash: Application 'dolphin' crashing...
            KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
            Warning: connect() failed: : Bad file descriptor
            KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi directly
            KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi directly
            kdeinit4: Shutting down running client.
            QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 5 and type 'Read', disabling...
            dolphin: Fatal IO error: client killed
            dolphin(3074) Konsole::SessionManager::~SessionManager: Konsole SessionManager destroyed with sessions still alive
            QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 22 and type 'Read', disabling...
            drkonqi(3162) SystemInformation::runLsbRelease: found lsb_release
            drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Using /proc to determine executable path
            drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Executable is: "/usr/bin/dolphin"
            drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Executable exists: true
            drkonqi(3162) DrKonqi::init: Enabling drkonqi crash catching
            drkonqi(3163) SystemInformation::runLsbRelease: found lsb_release
            drkonqi(3163) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Using /proc to determine executable path
            drkonqi(3163) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Executable is: "/usr/bin/dolphin"
            drkonqi(3163) KCrashBackend::constructCrashedApplication: Executable exists: true
            drkonqi(3163) DrKonqi::init: Enabling drkonqi crash catching
            Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QStr ing,QString,QString)
            drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::stopAttachedProcess: Sending SIGSTOP to process
            drkonqi(3163) KCrashBackend::stopAttachedProcess: Sending SIGSTOP to process
            KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
            kbuildsycoca4 running...
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) kdemain: Reusing existing ksycoca
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildSycoca::recreate: Recreating ksycoca file ("/var/tmp/kdecache-philip/ksycoca4", version 162)
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildSycoca::createEntry: new: "screensaver.desktop"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu:ushDocInfo: Menu "" not found.
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::mergeFile: VFolderMenu::mergeFile: "/home/philip/.config/menus/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu:rocessMenu: Processing KDE Legacy dirs for <KDE>
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu:rocessKDELegacyDirs:
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/usr/share/applications/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/usr/share/applications/screensavers"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/usr/share/applications/kde4"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/usr/share/applications/kde"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/wine"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/PURE Flow Server"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/PURE Flow Server/Web"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Core Design"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/futuresplash" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/java-archive" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-annodex" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-flash-video" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-kexiproject-sqlite" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-mplayer2" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-quicktimeplayer" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "application/x-vnd.kde.kexi" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/mp3" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/mpegurl" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/wav" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-annodex" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-m4a" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-mp3" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-mpeg" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-ogg" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "audio/x-pn-realaudio" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/fli" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/flv" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/vnd.divx" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-annodex" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-fli" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-m4v" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-ms-wax" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-ms-wm" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-ms-wvx" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildMimeTypeFactory:arseAliasFile: Ignoring alias "video/x-ogg" because also defined as a real mimetype
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/kde4/okularApplication_mobi.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-mobipocket-ebook"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/alsaplayer.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "audio/ogg+vorbis"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "libokularGenerator_mobi.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-mobipocket-ebook"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/scribus-ng.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/vnd.scribus-ng"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "okularMobi.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-mobipocket-ebook"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/gnomad2.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-flac"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/amarok_append.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "audio/*"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "image/pcx"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/ark_servicemenu.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-servicepack"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/kde4/k3b.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-iso"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/k3b_create_audio_cd.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "audio/*"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "Edutainment/Science/celestia.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-celestia-script"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/k3b_write_iso_image.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-iso"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/k3b_write_iso_image.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "inode/ISO-image"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ffmpegthumbs.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "video/*"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/kde4/ktorrent.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-torrent"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/acroread.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/vnd.adobe.pdx"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "phononbackends/xine.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "x-mpegurl"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/csv"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/excel"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/tab-separated-values"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-dos_ms_excel"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-excel"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-ms-excel"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "text/comma-separated-values"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kpackagekit.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-servicepack"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "mobithumbnail.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-mobipocket-ebook"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/dragonplayer_play_dvd.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "media/dvdvideo"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-extension-txt"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "nsplugin.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "jpi-version=1.6.0_18"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "/usr/share/applications/kde4/ark.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "application/x-servicepack"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "ServiceMenus/imageconverter.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "image/*"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildServiceFactory:opulateServiceTypes: "plasma-sal-development.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "Plasma/Sal/Menu"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KMimeAssociations:arseAllMimeAppsList: Parsing "/home/philip/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list"
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) KBuildSycoca::save: Saving
            kbuildsycoca4(3175) kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("services")
            drkonqi(3163) KCrashBackend::continueAttachedProcess: Sending SIGCONT to process
            drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::continueAttachedProcess: Sending SIGCONT to process


              Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

              That will take more of a KDE guru than I am, to understand. One thing you can do (as KDE gurus swooping down to save us are more rare than hens' teeth) is use Google and take the last bits of the error output to see what you can find that may give you a clue.

              For example, googling "drkonqi(3162) KCrashBackend::continueAttachedProcess: Sending SIGCONT to process" did not turn up anything, until I removed the process number (3162) and tried again. Then I got a half-dozen hits including:


              Similarly, googling "KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit" turns up some hits including:


     (suggests flash may be involved when it happens to Konqueror)


                Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                Not much to add but I too on 32bit updated from 4.4 to 4.5RC2 thinking it might have some improvements. Wrong Dolphins unstable and Alt+F2 won't execute anything making crash recovery a little more hassle.


                  Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                  for those experiencing these very annoying crashes.. after some tests (and lots of patience) I can say that it can be classed back as "useable" if you disable previews, strigi/nepomunk and keep the right panel (the preview that's turned on and off with F11) out of sight.. I am still talking about the 32-bit and kde 4.5 RC2 version. It still crashes under *some* circumstances (cba establishing a pattern atm) if you try to move a file into a folder in which that file already exists but I'd say it for a change is not dolphins blame because krusader does the same.. must be some underlaying kde bug because I couldnt make it happen from the CLI let's hope dolphin (might take a lot of knocking on wood I am afraid) problems are solved in rc3 (we are not talking about an alpha version but a RC) and the basic functionality is retored.
                  Blow out the candles on all my frankensteins.


                    Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                    Originally posted by heu
                    I am still talking about the 32-bit and kde 4.5 RC2 version. ...
                    Ah, an RC2 release. That explains your problems.

                    I am running the 64bit Kubuntu 10.4 with KDE 4.4.5, which explains why I am having no problems.

                    Are you posting bug reports?
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                      Thanks to Dibl (and others) for suggestions - BUT, last week the various updates caused my Lucid system to grid-lock. I had many of the symptoms reported in the Forum (Lancelot producing continuous errors, screen blackouts, etc). I rather foolishly attempted to modify various config.rc files in an attempt to get a cleaner system. I even blitzed the .kde files. However, probably my incompetence made things worse so I decided on a new installation as the best option. Fortunately, I have a twin 160Gb hard-drive system with a shared data partition on one drive and an automatic backup system recording to the other drive. I can thus share data easily between the Lucid and Maverick systems (apart from Kontact/Kmail data).

                      I was able to completely rebuild a new updated Lucid system easily in a lot less than a couple of hours (but I have refrained from updating to KDE4.5 RC2 for the moment, leaving that on the Maverick. So now all is well. Dolphin is performing perfectly in both systems.

                      It was probably my incompetence, but sometime I think continuous "upgrades" can give problems and a fresh install is sometimes useful to do - and it's so easy if you keep good backups and a track of your installed packages. Anyway - it works for me.


                        Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                        One point here Phil

                        I find the ability to drag a window to 1 side of the screen so as to have 2 apps genuinely running side by side to be really helpful. When I installed KDE 4.5 RC2 in my excitement I played around with window tiling settings to find out what enhancements there were. Moving the windows around produced a dolphin crash 100% of the time. Turning it off produces a crash rate of zero.

                        If you have enabled tiling turn it off. In my experience KDE 4.5 RC2 immediately became a different beast.

                        If you haven't got tiling enabled you can't rule out a conflict with your kde 4.4 settings. Have you tried renaming the .kde file and establishing a new desktop? That might be worth a try



                          Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2 - (SOLVED - Maybe?)

                          Well thanks for that suggestion Liquidator!

                          I had been a bit shy of updating to 4.5 RC2 after my rebuild, but following your suggestion I thought - Why Not! At the worst it'll only be an hour or so doing a new clean install.

                          When I checked "tiling" was ON by default, but I have never used it so I turned it OFF, added the ppa Repository and updated to KDE 4.5 RC2 again (over 180 updates!). Came back a bit later and re-booted for a clean start. What Joy! Dolphin no longer crashes. Trouble is I'll never know whether it was the clean install or the "Tiling" issue? Never mind, it works.


                            Re: Dolpin continually crashing - Lucid 64bit - KDE 4.5 RC2

                            Great stuff!

