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plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

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    plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

    Here's a strange one: After changing the plymouth theme to the kubuntu theme using the command:
    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
    I still get the purple ubuntu theme while booting, but the blue kubuntu theme when shutting down. I did run sudo update-initramfs -u but it didn't make any difference.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

    Indeed strange. Mine is equally odd. Whichever option I choose, it is honoured on shutdown, but I consistently have a blank screen until I get to the kdm progress screen.

    On the other hand, I'm taking a look a KNR to see if my wife would like it on her Aspire One, and in live mode, it's the blue kubuntu on both bootup and shutdown.

    Did you do a clean install of Lucid, or upgrade as I did from 9.10? If the latter I wonder whether that is a factor?


      Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

      Have a look here:

      reply *4 works flawlessly for me

      Except of course when gets updated

      Then you have to re-edit:
      to your needs.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

        This doesn't seem to address the problem. The kubuntu-logo plymouth theme is installed, and default.plymouth is :

        [Plymouth Theme]
        Name=Kubuntu Logo
        Description=A theme that features a blank background with a logo.
        and the script, which is rather long, contains this:

        logo.image = Image ("kubuntu_logo.png"); # "special://logo" is a special keyword which finds
         the logo image
        which looks right.But I still get the purple ubuntu screen on startup, and the blue kubuntu screen on shutdown.

        Am I missing something?

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

          Originally posted by doctordruidphd
          Am I missing something?
          Have you updated your initramfs?
          sudo update-initramfs -u
          EDIT: Sorry, didn't read the original post...I see that you did it already :P


            Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

            He did. See OP, last sentence.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

              What does your /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.script look like?
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

                It's pretty long, and it messes up the page formatting -- here we go:

                # ubuntu-logo.script - boot splash plugin
                # Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd.
                # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
                # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
                # any later version.
                # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                # GNU General Public License for more details.
                # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
                # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
                # 02111-1307, USA.
                # Written by: Alberto Milone <>
                # Based on the example provided with the "script plugin" written by:
                #       Charlie Brej  <>
                # Set the text colour in (rgb / 256)
       = 1.0;
       = 1.0;
       = 1.0;
                # Tinted text #988592
       = 0.59;
       = 0.52;
       = 0.57;
                # Action Text - #ffffff - RGB 255 255 255
       = 1.0;
       = 1.0;
       = 1.0;
                # Orange - #ff4012 - RGB 255 64 18
                debugsprite = Sprite();
                debugsprite_bottom = Sprite();
                debugsprite_medium = Sprite();
                # are we currently prompting for a password?
                prompt_active = 0;
                # General purpose function to create text
                fun WriteText (text, colour) {
                  image = Image.Text (text,,,;
                  return image;
                fun ImageToText (text) {
                  image = WriteText (text, text_colour);
                  return image;
                fun ImageToTintedText (text) {
                  image = WriteText (text, tinted_text_colour);
                  return image;
                fun ImageToActionText (text) {
                  image = WriteText (text, action_text_colour);
                  return image;
                fun Debug(text) {
                  debugsprite.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
                fun DebugBottom(text) {
                  debugsprite_bottom.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
                  debugsprite_bottom.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 20), 1);
                fun DebugMedium(text) {
                  debugsprite_medium.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
                  debugsprite_medium.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 60), 1);
                fun TextYOffset() {
                  # Put the 1st line below the logo + some spacing 
                  y = logo.y + logo.height + (progress_indicator.bullet_height * 7 ); # + logo_spacing;
                  text_height = first_line_height * 7.5;
                  min_height = Window.GetHeight();
                  if (y + text_height > min_height)
                    y = min_height - text_height;
                  if (y < progress_indicator.y + progress_indicator.height)
                    return progress_indicator.y + progress_indicator.height;
                  return y;
                #------------------------------String functions-------------------------------
                # This is the equivalent for strstr()
                fun StringString(string, substring) {
                  start = 0;
                  while (String(string).CharAt (start)) {
                    walk = 0;
                    while (String(substring).CharAt (walk) == String(string).CharAt (start + walk) ) {
                      if (!String(substring).CharAt (walk)) return start;
                  return NULL;
                fun StringLength (string) {
                  index = 0;
                  while (String(string).CharAt(index)) index++;
                  return index;
                fun StringCopy (source, beginning, end) {
                  local.destination = "";
                  for (index = beginning; ( ( (end == NULL) || (index <= end) ) && (String(source).CharAt(index)) ); index++) {
                    local.destination += String(source).CharAt(index);
                  return local.destination;
                fun StringReplace (source, pattern, replacement) {
                  local.found = StringString(source, pattern);
                  if (local.found == NULL)
                    return source;
                  local.new_string = StringCopy (source, 0, local.found - 1) +
                            replacement +
                            StringCopy (source, local.found + StringLength(pattern), NULL);
                  return local.new_string;
                # it makes sense to use it only for
                # numbers up to 100
                fun StringToInteger (str) {
                  int = -1;
                  for (i=0; i<=100; i++) {
                    if (i+"" == str) {
                      int = i;
                  return int;
                # Previous background colour
                # #300a24 --> 0.19, 0.04, 0.14
                # New background colour
                # #2c001e --> 0.16, 0.00, 0.12
                # Ubuntu background color
                #Window.SetBackgroundTopColor (0.16, 0.00, 0.12);   # Nice colour on top of the screen fading to
                #Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor (0.16, 0.00, 0.12); # an equally nice colour on the bottom
                Window.SetBackgroundTopColor (0.00, 0.47, 0.76);
                Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor (0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
                logo.image = Image ("kubuntu_logo.png"); # "special://logo" is a special keyword which finds the logo image
                logo.sprite = Sprite ();
                logo.sprite.SetImage (logo.image);
                logo.width = logo.image.GetWidth ();
                logo.height = logo.image.GetHeight ();
                logo.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - logo.width / 2;
                logo.y = Window.GetY () + Window.GetHeight () / 2 - logo.height;
                logo.z = 1000;
                logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
                logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
                logo.sprite.SetZ (logo.z);
                logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
                # Spacing below the logo - in pixels
                logo_spacing = logo.height * 4;
                message_notification[0].image = ImageToTintedText ("");
                message_notification[1].image = ImageToTintedText ("");
                fsck_notification.image = ImageToActionText ("");
                status = "normal";
                progress_indicator.bullet_off = Image ("progress_dot_off.png");
                progress_indicator.bullet_on = Image ("progress_dot_on.png");
                progress_indicator.bullet_width = progress_indicator.bullet_off.GetWidth ();
                progress_indicator.bullet_height = progress_indicator.bullet_off.GetHeight ();
                progress_indicator.bullet_hspacing = progress_indicator.bullet_width * 1.1;
                progress_indicator.width = progress_indicator.bullet_width * 5;
                progress_indicator.height = progress_indicator.bullet_height;
                progress_indicator.y = logo.y + logo.height + (logo.height / 4);
                progress_indicator.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - progress_indicator.width / 2; # logo.x + 26;
                # use a fixed string with ascending and descending stems to calibrate the
                # bounding box for the first message, so the messages below don't move up
                # and down according to *their* height.
                first_line_height = ImageToTintedText ("AfpqtM").GetHeight();
                # if the user has a 640x480 or 800x600 display, we can't quite fit everything
                # (including passphrase prompts) with the target spacing, so scoot the text up
                # a bit if needed.
                top_of_the_text = TextYOffset();
                #-----------------------------------------Logo functions------------------------------
                # Call this when updating the screen
                fun draw_logo () {
                  logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
                  logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
                  logo.sprite.SetZ (logo.z);
                  logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
                #-----------------------------------------Progress Indicator--------------------------
                fun set_progress_indicator () {
                  # Here we assume that we can store half bullets on each half of the screen
                  # together with some spacing
                  local.x = progress_indicator.x;
                  for (index = 0; index <= 4; index++) {
                    # Set the "off" bullets
                    progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].sprite = Sprite (progress_indicator.bullet_off);
                    progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].sprite.SetPosition (local.x, progress_indicator.y, 1000);
                    progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].x = local.x;
                    progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].y = progress_indicator.y;
                    progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].sprite.SetOpacity (1);
                    #local.debug_medium_string = "Progress indicator " + index + ": x = " + progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].x +
                    #         ", y = " + progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].y + ", logo width = " + logo.width +
                    #         ", logo height = " + logo.height + " " + screen_width + " " + screen_height;
                    #(index % 2) && DebugMedium (local.debug_medium_string) || DebugBottom (local.debug_medium_string);
                    # Set the "on" bullets on top of the "off" bullets and make them transparent
                    progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].sprite = Sprite (progress_indicator.bullet_on);
                    progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].x = progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].x;
                    progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].y = progress_indicator.bullets_off[index].y;
                    progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].sprite.SetPosition (progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].x, progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].y, 10000);
                    progress_indicator.bullets_on[index].sprite.SetOpacity (0);
                    local.x += progress_indicator.bullet_hspacing;
                  #local.debug_string = "Progress indicator: x1 = " + progress_indicator.x + ", x2 = " + local.x + ", y = " + progress_indicator.y +
                  #           ", x logo = " + logo.x + ", y logo = " + logo.y + ", indicator width = " + progress_indicator.width;
                # We have 2 bullets, one on top of the other:
                # The white one is on top of the red one and the former should
                # slowly fade so as to get a nice transition effect.
                fun switch_on_bullet (bullets_off, bullets_on, bullet_number, opacity) {
                  local.x = bullets_on[bullet_number].x;
                  local.y = bullets_on[bullet_number].y;
                  local.z = bullets_on[bullet_number].z;
                  # Hide the bullets which are off
                  bullets_off[bullet_number].sprite.SetOpacity (0);
                  # Show the bullets which are on
                  bullets_on[bullet_number].sprite.SetPosition (local.x, local.y, local.z);
                  bullets_on[bullet_number].sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
                  # Bump the number of times we have switched on bullets
                fun switch_off_bullets () {
                  # Debug("Switching off progress indicator");
                  set_progress_indicator ();
                  global.times_bullets_switched = 0;
                  global.on_off = 1;
                # This is something that we can call when we exit
                fun switch_on_bullets () {
                  # Debug("Switching off progress indicator");
                  if (!global.progress_indicator.bullets_on) set_progress_indicator ();
                  local = global.progress_indicator;
                  for (index = 0; bullets_on[index]; index++) {
                    switch_on_bullet (bullets_off, bullets_on, index, 1.0);
                # Implement in boot progress callback
                fun animate_progress_indicator (progress, time) {
                  if (global.progress_time == NULL) {
                    global.progress_time = progress; #time;
                    switch_off_bullets ();
                #  Debug ("progress = " + progress + ", time = " + time + " times switched = " + global.times_bullets_switched + " on_off " + global.on_off);
                #  if (global.times_bullets_switched == NULL)
                #    global.times_bullets_switched = 5;
                #  if (global.on_off == NULL)
                #    global.on_off = 0;
                  if ((progress - global.progress_time) >= 1.0) {
                    global.progress_time = progress;
                    if (global.times_bullets_switched == 5) {
                      # Change which bullets are switched on
                      # and which ones are switched off
                      global.on_off = !global.on_off;
                      global.times_bullets_switched = 0;
                    if (global.on_off) {
                      switch_on_bullet (progress_indicator.bullets_off, progress_indicator.bullets_on,
                               global.times_bullets_switched, 1.0);
                    else {
                      switch_on_bullet (progress_indicator.bullets_on, progress_indicator.bullets_off,
                               global.times_bullets_switched, 1.0);
                  # Start setting bullets to "on" with translucency
                #  for (index = 0; index <= 5; index++) {
                #    opacity = 0.0;
                #    while (opacity <= 1.0) {
                #      switch_on_bullet (progress_indicator.bullets_off, progress_indicator.bullets_on,
                #               index, opacity);
                #      opacity += 0.1;
                #    }
                #  }
                #-----------------------------------------Label utility functions---------------------
                # label should be either a string or NULL
                # Images for n lines will be created and returned as items of the
                # message_label array
                fun get_message_label (label, is_fake, is_action_line) {
                  # Debug("Get Label position");
                  if (is_fake)
                    # Create a fake label so as to get the y coordinate of
                    # a standard-length label.
                    local.message_image = ImageToTintedText ("This is a fake message");
                    local.message_image = (is_action_line) && ImageToActionText (label) || ImageToTintedText (label);
                  message_label.width = message_image.GetWidth ();
                  message_label.height = message_image.GetHeight ();
                  # Center the line horizontally
                  message_label.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - message_label.width / 2;
                  message_label.y = top_of_the_text;
                  # Put the 2nd line below the fsck line
                  if (is_action_line) {
                    local.fsck_label.y = message_label.y + (first_line_height + first_line_height / 2);
                    message_label.y = local.fsck_label.y + (first_line_height * 2);
                  # Debug("action label x = " + message_label.x + " y = " + message_label.y );
                #  message_debug = "msg_x = " + message_label.x + " msg_y = " + message_label.y +
                #          "msg_width = " + message_label.width + " msg_height = " +
                #          message_label.height + " message = " + label;
                #  Debug(message_debug);
                  return message_label;
                # Create an fsck label and/or get its position
                fun get_fsck_label (label, is_fake) {
                  # Debug("Get Label position");
                  local.fsck_label = global.progress_label;
                  if (is_fake)
                    fsck_label.image = ImageToTintedText ("This is a fake message");
                    fsck_label.image = ImageToTintedText (label);
                  fsck_label.width = fsck_label.image.GetWidth ();
                  fsck_label.height = fsck_label.image.GetHeight ();
                  # Centre the label horizontally
                  fsck_label.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - fsck_label.width / 2;
                  local.first_label = get_message_label (label, 1, 0);
                  # Place the label below the 1st message line
                  fsck_label.y = local.first_label.y + local.first_label.height + (local.first_label.height / 2);
                #  message_debug = "msg_x = " + fsck_label.x + " msg_y = " + fsck_label.y +
                #          "msg_width = " + fsck_label.width + " msg_height = " +
                #          fsck_label.height + " message = " + label;
                #  Debug(message_debug);
                  return fsck_label;
                #-----------------------------------------Message stuff --------------------------------
                # Set up a message label
                # NOTE: this is called when doing something like 'plymouth message "hello world"'
                fun setup_message (message_text, x, y, z, index) {
                  # Debug("Message setup");
                  global.message_notification[index].image = (index) && ImageToActionText (message_text) || ImageToTintedText (message_text);
                  # Set up the text message, if any
                  message_notification[index].x = x;
                  message_notification[index].y = y;
                  message_notification[index].z = z;
                  message_notification[index].sprite = Sprite ();
                  message_notification[index].sprite.SetImage (message_notification[index].image);
                  message_notification[index].sprite.SetX (message_notification[index].x);
                  message_notification[index].sprite.SetY (message_notification[index].y);
                  message_notification[index].sprite.SetZ (message_notification[index].z);
                fun show_message (index) {
                  if (global.message_notification[index].sprite) global.message_notification[index].sprite.SetOpacity(1);
                fun hide_message (index) {
                  if (global.message_notification[index].sprite) global.message_notification[index].sprite.SetOpacity(0);
                # the callback function is called when new message should be displayed.
                # First arg is message to display.
                fun message_callback (message)
                  # Debug("Message callback");
                  is_fake = 0;
                  if (!message || (message == "")) is_fake = 1;
                  local.substring = "keys:";
                  # Look for the "keys:" prefix
                  local.keys = StringString(message, local.substring);
                  local.is_action_line = (keys != NULL);
                  #Debug("keys " + local.keys + " substring length = " + StringLength(local.substring));
                  # Get the message without the "keys:" prefix
                  if (keys != NULL)
                    message = StringCopy (message, keys + StringLength(local.substring), NULL);
                  local.label.is_fake = is_fake;
                  label = get_message_label(message, is_fake, is_action_line);
                  label.z = 10000;
                  setup_message (message, label.x, label.y, label.z, is_action_line);
                  if (prompt_active && local.is_action_line)
                    hide_message (is_action_line);
                    show_message (is_action_line);
                #-----------------------------------------Display Password stuff -----------------------
                fun password_dialogue_setup (message_label) {
                  # Debug("Password dialog setup");
                  bullet_image = Image ("progress_dot_off.png");
                  entry.image = Image ("password_field.png");
                  # Hide the normal labels
                  prompt_active = 1;
                  if (message_notification[1].sprite) hide_message (1);
                  # Set the prompt label
                  label = get_message_label(message_label, 0, 1);
                  label.z = 10000;
                  setup_message (message_label, label.x, label.y, label.z, 2);
                  show_message (2);
                  # Set up the text entry which contains the bullets
                  entry.sprite = Sprite ();
                  entry.sprite.SetImage (entry.image);
                  # Centre the box horizontally
                  entry.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - entry.image.GetWidth () / 2;
                  # Put the entry below the second label.
                  entry.y = message_notification[2].y + label.height;
                  #Debug ("entry x = " + entry.x + ", y = " + entry.y);
                  entry.z = 10000;
                  entry.sprite.SetX (entry.x);
                  entry.sprite.SetY (entry.y);
                  entry.sprite.SetZ (entry.z);
                  global.password_dialogue = local;
                fun password_dialogue_opacity (opacity) {
                  # Debug("Password dialog opacity");
                  global.password_dialogue.opacity = opacity;
                  local = global.password_dialogue;
                  # You can make the box translucent with a float
                  # entry.sprite.SetOpacity (0.3);
                  entry.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
                  label.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
                  if (bullets) {
                    for (index = 0; bullets[index]; index++) {
                      bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
                # The callback function is called when the display should display a password dialogue.
                # First arg is prompt string, the second is the number of bullets.
                fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets) {
                  # Debug("Password dialog setup");
                  global.status = "password";
                  if (!global.password_dialogue) password_dialogue_setup(prompt);
                  password_dialogue_opacity (1);
                  bullet_width = password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetWidth();
                  bullet_y = password_dialogue.entry.y +
                        password_dialogue.entry.image.GetHeight () / 2 -
                        password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetHeight () / 2;
                  margin = bullet_width;
                  spaces = Math.Int( (password_dialogue.entry.image.GetWidth () - (margin * 2)) / (bullet_width / 2 ) );
                  #Debug ("spaces = " + spaces + ", bullets = " + bullets);
                  bullets_area.width = margin + spaces * (bullet_width / 2);
                  bullets_area.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - bullets_area.width / 2;
                  #DebugBottom ("pwd_entry x = " + password_dialogue.entry.x + ", bullets_area.x = " + bullets_area.x + ", bullets_area.width = " + bullets_area.width);
                  if (bullets > spaces)
                    bullets = spaces;
                  for (index = 0; password_dialogue.bullets[index] || index < bullets; index++){
                    if (!password_dialogue.bullets[index]) {
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite = Sprite ();
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetImage (password_dialogue.bullet_image);
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].x = bullets_area.x + # password_dialogue.entry.x + margin +
                                         index * bullet_width / 2;
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetX (password_dialogue.bullets[index].x);
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].y = bullet_y;
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetY (password_dialogue.bullets[index].y);
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].z = password_dialogue.entry.z + 1;
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetZ (password_dialogue.bullets[index].z);
                    password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (0);
                    if (index < bullets) {
                      password_dialogue.bullets[index].sprite.SetOpacity (1);
                Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction (display_password_callback); 
                Plymouth.SetMessageFunction (message_callback);
                Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction (animate_progress_indicator);
                # Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction: the callback function is called with two numbers, the progress (between 0 and 1) and the time spent booting so far
                # Plymouth.SetRootMountedFunction: the callback function is called when a new root is mounted
                # Plymouth.SetKeyboardInputFunction: the callback function is called with a string containing a new character entered on the keyboard
                #----------------------------------------- FSCK Counter --------------------------------
                # Initialise the counter
                fun init_fsck_count () {
                  # The number of fsck checks in this cycle
         = 0;
                  # The number of fsck checks already performed + the current one
                  global.counter.current = 1;
                  # The previous fsck
                  global.counter.last = 0;
                # Increase the total counter
                fun increase_fsck_count () {
                fun increase_current_fsck_count () {
                  global.counter.last = global.counter.current++;
                # Clear the counter
                fun clear_fsck_count () {
                  global.counter = NULL;
                  init_fsck_count ();
                #----------------------------------------- Progress Label ------------------------------
                # Change the opacity level of a progress label
                # opacity = 1 -> show
                # opacity = 0 -> hide
                # opacity = 0.3 (or any other float) -> translucent
                fun set_progress_label_opacity (opacity) {
                  # the label
                  progress_label.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
                  # Make the slot available again when hiding the bar
                  # So that another bar can take its place
                  if (opacity == 0) {
                    progress_label.is_available = 1;
                    progress_label.device = "";
                # Set up a new Progress Bar
                # TODO: Make it possible to reuse (rather than recreate) a bar
                #    if .is_available = 1. Ideally this would just reset the
                #    label, the associated
                #    device and the image size of the sprite.
                fun init_progress_label (device, status_string) {
                  # Make the slot unavailable
                  global.progress_label.is_available = 0;
                  progress_label.progress = 0;
                  progress_label.device = device;
                  progress_label.status_string = status_string;
                # See if the progress label is keeping track of the fsck
                # of "device"
                fun device_has_progress_label (device) {
                  #DebugBottom ("label device = " + progress_label.device + " checking device " + device);
                  return (progress_label.device == device);
                # Update the Progress bar which corresponds to index
                fun update_progress_label (progress) {
                  # If progress is NULL then we just refresh the label.
                  # This happens when only has changed.
                  if (progress != NULL) {
                    progress_label.progress = progress;
                    #Debug("device " + progress_label.device + " progress " + progress);
                    # If progress >= 100% hide the label and make it available again
                    if (progress >= 100) {
                      set_progress_label_opacity (0);
                      # See if we any other fsck check is complete
                      # and, if so, hide the progress bars and the labels
                      on_fsck_completed ();
                      return 0;
                  # Update progress label here
                  # FIXME: the queue logic from this theme should really be moved into mountall
                  # instead of using string replacement to deal with localised strings.
                  label = StringReplace (progress_label.status_string[0], "%1$d", global.counter.current);
                  label = StringReplace (label, "%2$d",;
                  label = StringReplace (label, "%3$d", progress_label.progress);
                  label = StringReplace (label, "%%", "%");
                  progress_label = get_fsck_label (label, 0);
                  #progress_label.progress = progress;
                  progress_label.sprite = Sprite (progress_label.image);
                  # Set up the bar
                  progress_label.sprite.SetPosition(progress_label.x, progress_label.y, 1);
                  set_progress_label_opacity (1);
                # Refresh the label so as to update counters
                fun refresh_progress_label () {
                  update_progress_label (NULL);
                #----------------------------------------- FSCK Queue ----------------------------------
                # Initialise the fsck queue
                fun init_queue () {
                  global.fsck_queue.counter = 0;
                  global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = 0;  
                fun clear_queue () {
                  global.fsck_queue = NULL;
                  init_queue ();
                # Return either the device index in the queue or -1
                fun queue_look_up_by_device (device) {
                  for (i=0; i <= fsck_queue.biggest_item; i++) {
                    if ((fsck_queue[i]) && (fsck_queue[i].device == device))
                      return i;
                  return -1;
                # Keep track of an fsck process in the queue
                fun add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress) {
                  # Look for an empty slot in the queue
                  for (i=0; global.fsck_queue[i].device; i++) {
                  local.index = i;
                  # Set device and progress
                  global.fsck_queue[local.index].device = device;
                  global.fsck_queue[local.index].progress = progress;
                  # Increase the queue counter
                  # Update the max index of the array for iterations
                  if (local.index > global.fsck_queue.biggest_item)
                    global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = local.index;
                  #DebugMedium ("Adding " + device + " at " + local.index);
                fun is_queue_empty () {
                  return (fsck_queue.counter == 0);
                fun is_progress_label_available () {
                  return (progress_label.is_available == 1);
                # This should cover the case in which the fsck checks in
                # the queue are completed before the ones showed in the
                # progress label
                fun on_queued_fsck_completed () {
                  if (!is_queue_empty ())
                  # Hide the extra label, if any
                  #if (progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
                  #  progress_bar.extra_label.sprite.SetOpacity(0);
                fun remove_fsck_from_queue (index) {
                  # Free memory which was previously allocated for
                  # device and progress
                  global.fsck_queue[index].device = NULL;
                  global.fsck_queue[index].progress = NULL;
                  # Decrease the queue counter
                  # See if there are other processes in the queue
                  # if not, clear the extra_label
                  on_queued_fsck_completed ();
                fun on_fsck_completed () {
                  # We have moved on to tracking the next fsck
                  increase_current_fsck_count ();
                  if (!is_progress_label_available ())
                  if (!is_queue_empty ())
                  # Hide the progress label
                  if (progress_label.sprite)
                    progress_label.sprite.SetOpacity (0);
                  # Clear the queue
                  clear_queue ();
                  # Clear the fsck counter
                  clear_fsck_count ();
                # Update an fsck process that we keep track of in the queue
                fun update_progress_in_queue (index, device, progress) {
                  # If the fsck is complete, remove it from the queue
                  if (progress >= 100) {
                    remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
                    on_queued_fsck_completed ();
                  global.fsck_queue[index].device = device;
                  global.fsck_queue[index].progress = progress;
                # TODO: Move it to some function
                # Create an empty queue
                #init_queue ();
                #----------------------------------------- FSCK Functions ------------------------------
                # Either add a new bar for fsck checks or update an existing bar
                # NOTE: no more than "progress_bar.max_number" bars are allowed
                fun fsck_check (device, progress, status_string) {
                  # The 1st time this will take place
                  if (!global.progress_label) {
                    # Increase the fsck counter
                    increase_fsck_count ();
                    # Set up a new label for the check
                    init_progress_label (device, status_string);
                    update_progress_label (progress);
                  if (device_has_progress_label (device)) {
                    # Update the progress of the existing label
                    update_progress_label (progress);
                  else {
                    # See if there's already a slot in the queue for the device
                    local.queue_device_index = queue_look_up_by_device(device);
                    # See if the progress_label is available
                    if (progress_label.is_available) {
                #      local.my_string = "available index " + local.available_index + " progress_bar counter is " + progress_bar.counter;
                #      Debug(local.my_string);
                      # If the fsck check for the device was in the queue, then
                      # remove it from the queue
                      if (local.queue_device_index >= 0) {
                        remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
                      else {
                        # Increase the fsck counter
                        increase_fsck_count ();
                #      local.my_string += local.message;
                      #Debug("setting new label for device " + device + " progress " + progress);
                      # Set up a new label for the check
                      init_progress_label (device, status_string);
                      update_progress_label (progress);
                    # If the progress_label is not available
                    else {
                      # If the fsck check for the device is already in the queue
                      # just update its progress in the queue
                      if (local.queue_device_index >= 0) {
                        #DebugMedium("Updating queue at " + local.queue_device_index + " for device " + device);
                        update_progress_in_queue (local.queue_device_index, device, progress);
                      # Otherwise add the check to the queue
                      else {
                        #DebugMedium("Adding device " + device + " to queue at " + local.queue_device_index);
                        add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress);
                        # Increase the fsck counter
                        increase_fsck_count ();
                        refresh_progress_label ();
                #  if (!is_queue_empty ()) {
                #    DebugBottom("Extra label for "+ device);
                #  else {
                #    DebugBottom("No extra label for " + device + ". 1st Device in the queue "+ fsck_queue[0].device + " counter = " + global.fsck_queue.counter);
                #  }
                #-----------------------------------------Update Status stuff --------------------------
                # The update_status_callback is what we can use to pass plymouth whatever we want so
                # as to make use of features which are available only in this program (as opposed to
                # being available for any theme for the script plugin).
                # Example:
                #  Thanks to the current implementation, some scripts can call "plymouth --update=fsck:sda1:40"
                #  and this program will know that 1) we're performing and fsck check, 2) we're checking sda1,
                #  3) the program should set the label progress to 40%
                # Other features can be easily added by parsing the string that we pass plymouth with "--update"
                fun update_status_callback (status) {
                #  Debug(status);
                  if (!status) return;
                  string_it = 0;
                  update_strings[string_it] = "";
                  for (i=0; (String(status).CharAt(i) != ""); i++) {
                    local.temp_char = String(status).CharAt(i);
                    if (temp_char != ":")
                      update_strings[string_it] += temp_char;
                      update_strings[++string_it] = "";
                #  my_string = update_strings[0] + " " + update_strings[1] + " " + update_strings[2];
                #  Debug(my_string);
                  # Let's assume that we're dealing with these strings fsck:sda1:40
                  if ((string_it >= 2) && (update_strings[0] == "fsck")) {
                    device = update_strings[1];
                    progress = update_strings[2];
                    status_string[0] = update_strings[3]; # "Checking disk %1$d of %2$d (%3$d %% complete)"
                    if (!status_string[0])
                      status_string[0] = "Checking disk %1$d of %2$d (%3$d %% complete)";
                    if ((device != "") && (progress != "")) {
                      progress = StringToInteger (progress);
                      # Make sure that the fsck_queue is initialised
                      if (!global.fsck_queue)
                        init_queue ();
                      # Make sure that the fsck counter is initialised
                      if (!global.counter)
                        init_fsck_count ();
                #      if (!global.progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
                #        create_extra_fsck_label ();
                      # Keep track of the fsck check
                      fsck_check (device, progress, status_string);
                Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction (update_status_callback); 
                #-----------------------------------------Display Question stuff -----------------------
                # TODO: Implement this if needed
                # The callback function is called when the display should display a question dialogue.
                # First arg is prompt string, the second is the entry contents.
                #fun display_question_callback (prompt_string, entry_contents)
                # time++;
                #Plymouth.SetDisplayQuestionFunction (display_question_callback); 
                #-----------------------------------------Refresh stuff --------------------------------
                # Calling Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction with a function will set that function to be
                # called up to 50 times every second, e.g.
                # NOTE: if a refresh function is not set, Plymouth doesn't seem to be able to update
                #    the screen correctly
                fun refresh_callback ()
                  draw_logo ();
                Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);
                #-----------------------------------------Display Normal stuff -----------------------
                # The callback function is called when the display should return to normal
                fun display_normal_callback ()
                  global.status = "normal";
                  if (global.password_dialogue) {
                    password_dialogue_opacity (0);
                    global.password_dialogue = NULL;
                    if (message_notification[2].sprite) hide_message(2);
                    prompt_active = 0;
                  if (message_notification[1].sprite) show_message (1);
                Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction (display_normal_callback);
                #----------------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------
                # TODO: Maybe we should also hide any other dialog
                # Show the logo and make the progress indicator look full when on exit
                fun quit_callback ()
                  logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
                  switch_on_bullets (); 
                We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                  Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

                  Okay try this:
                  open the txt file I have attached and use that as your kubuntu-logo.script (backup the old one)

                  Now edit find these parts of the script (red) accordingly:

                  # Background image script ("flower") from
                  # by Charlie Brej

                  my_wallpaper_image = Image("background.png");

                  screen_ratio = Window.GetHeight() / Window.GetWidth();
                  my_wallpaper_image_ratio = my_wallpaper_image.GetHeight() / my_wallpaper_image.GetWidth();

                  if (screen_ratio > my_wallpaper_image_ratio)
                  { # Screen ratio is taller than image ratio, we will match the screen height
                  scale_factor = Window.GetHeight() / my_wallpaper_image.GetHeight();
                  { # Screen ratio is wider than image ratio, we will match the screen width
                  scale_factor = Window.GetWidth() / my_wallpaper_image.GetWidth();

                  scaled_my_wallpaper_image = my_wallpaper_image.Scale(my_wallpaper_image.GetWid th() * scale_factor,
                  my_wallpaper_image.GetHeight() * scale_factor);
                  my_wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(scaled_my_wallpaper_image); # Create the a sprite using the scaled image

                  my_wallpaper_sprite.SetX(Window.GetWidth() / 2 - scaled_my_wallpaper_image.GetWidth () / 2); # Place in the centre
                  my_wallpaper_sprite.SetY(Window.GetHeight() / 2 - scaled_my_wallpaper_image.GetHeight() / 2);
                  my_wallpaper_sprite.SetZ(-10000); # Place right at the back


                  # Changing kubuntu_logo.png to my_logo.png

                  logo.image = Image ("kubuntu_logo.png"); # "special://logo" is a special keyword which finds the logo image
                  logo.sprite = Sprite ();
                  logo.sprite.SetImage (logo.image);
                  logo.width = logo.image.GetWidth ();
                  logo.height = logo.image.GetHeight ();
                  logo.x = Window.GetX () + Window.GetWidth () / 2 - logo.width / 2;
                  logo.y = Window.GetY () + Window.GetHeight () / 2 - logo.height;
                  logo.z = 1000;
                  logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
                  logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
                  logo.sprite.SetZ (logo.z);
                  logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);

                  Just reboot and see what happens

                  Apart from that I would suggest getting rog131 from his PPA's and using that as described in my link above.

                  Hope that helps.
                  Attached Files
                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

                    OK, tried that, and did the update-initramfs -u.
                    Didn't work -- all I get is the purple screen.
                    Well, the ubuntu theme has embedded itself in the initramfs somewhere, and it's not going away.
                    I suspect this will require a purge and reinstall of plymouth.
                    The new kernel update from today is generating the usual video driver problems,
                    so I'll try to get to that later.
                    Thanks for the suggestions.

                    EDIT: for some strange reason, the REPLY button has vanished. So in reply to the next message, the hardware is NVIDIA. The same problem exists, whether I am using the proprietary NVIDIA 190.xx driver, or the nouveau driver.
                    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                      Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

                      What is your hardware in this? I think that there is a fallback to the Ubuntu "text" splash on some hardware, which is what I used to get the plain purplr splash on my 7 year old laptops until I first disabled KMS, and followed the instructions to fix Nvidia users' plymouth issues.


                        Re: plymouth kubuntu theme works on shutdown but not bootup

                        AHA! Now the reply button works...

                        This is nvidia hardware, but the problem with the purple screen refusing to give way to the kubntu
                        screen on bootup persists, even when using nouveau.
                        My guess is it has embedded itself in initramfs somewhere, and will probably need to
                        be purged and reinstalled at this point. Will try that and report back.

                        Edit: Well, that isn't going to work. Attempting to remove plymouth threatens to remove pretty much
                        every application on the system (probably gnome depends on it). Back to the drawing board.
                        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

