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What webcam for Kubuntu?

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    Re: What webcam for Kubuntu?

    Pulseaudio is now enough UNREMOVABLE
    I am trying my best to hold my tongue (and fingers) on this.
    They have removed the oss-compat stuff; the package is empty, and there are no snd-pcm-oss and mixer files in the kernel directory any more. They are "following the lead of Fedora" on this. Huh? wha??

    So far I have been unable to get padsp to do anything. On the other hand, I do get audio out of firefox, which I cannot get without pulse installed, including on aptosid which does have alsa and oss-compat, so it's an alsa issue of some sort.

    You can still get to the alsa driver with applications like gstreamer that let you call the alsa device directly, like so:
    gst-launch-0.10 alsasrc device="hw:2,0" ! audio/x-raw-int,rate=16000,channels=1,depth=16 ! audioconvert ! alsasink
    This will play audio from your webcam on your speakers, substituting for "hw:2,0" whatever your device is, as revealed by arecord -l, in this case card 2, subdevice 0
    But I know of no way to directly address an alsa device in something like vlc.

    I don't see any settings on cheese for recording a/v. gucview apparently does, but I haven't worked out the right settings yet -- video is messed up. Still working on it.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

