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which version should i Install?

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    which version should i Install?

    Hi guys,
    I've got a laptop: Acer Aspire 5020 / AMD Turion 64 / ATI / Broadcom wifi

    I want to install Kubuntu (once again), so before I do it (once again), I'd like to ask:

    - which version is better to try? Dapper? Gutsy? Hardy?
    - and, should I try the amd64 or the i386 installer?

    Please, I'd like to get a very appreciated hint!


    Re: which version should i Install?

    I have an ACER Aspire 3618 that I recently upgraded to 8.04 Hardy Heron. Runs great. There were a few things that took me by surprise with it like ksynaptics is no longer available. I did however find an app to somewhat take its place - gsynaptics. It isn't integrated with the configuration portions of KDE and have t be run every time I boot, but it works. I've also had a few issues with my splash screen that I made. Other than that 8.04 has been running like a charm. No other issues. As far as AMD64 vs. i386 is a difficult thing to suggest. I have a Desktop running 8.04 AMD64. Runs fine, have had issues with finding 64bit applications to do what I did under 32bit. I have been able to come up with work arounds for that and at the moment I'm very satisfied.

    Hope this gives some general feed back that will help. If you aren't totally sure, just run the LiveCDs for a while to see how each behave for you.


      Re: which version should i Install?

      Definitely 8.04 I'd say, it's not really any more or less stable than the others but it is the latest so feature wise it's best. I'd probably recommend the i386, the 64 bit would be slightly faster but as MoonRise mentions some applications need tinkering in 64 bit so will be easier for you to use 32 bit and the speed difference will be small. So if you feel confident you can try 64 bit but otherwise 32. Also I would recommend you use the KDE4 version as it will be the main one going forward, unless you are already attached to KDE3.
      Summing up:
      i386 version of 8.04 with KDE4

