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aMSN Email Notification in System Tray is So Tiny, Lime Wire as well.

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    aMSN Email Notification in System Tray is So Tiny, Lime Wire as well.

    Since long time ago I've ignored this issue, but I'd love to be able to fix it.

    In the system tray, when you get a new mail, aMSN displays it in the system tray as a small mail letter.
    It's sooo tiny & sometimes you cannot see it.

    The original photo icon as in directory " /home/xirex/.amsn/skins/aMSN Live-1.0/pixmaps/ " is:

    I've edited the icon & painted it red to be able to spot it as in here, next to the Amaroks' icon:

    P.S: Yes, you've seen the temperature correctly, nothing wrong. It actually cooled down now at the evening lol.

    I've tried to manipulate the image & resize it to many sizes, 22x22 as in the original aMSN theme, then 32x32 .. when you get to a certain size, the icon gets big, but shows a small portion of the image & distorted, it shows the top left of the letter as if it is zoomed.

    Now it's worth mentioning that if aMSN is running & you get a new mail, the icon displayed is sooo tiny.
    But if you launch aMSN while you got new emails in inbox the icon is displayed normally.

    Another issue is with LimeWire, the icon is soo tiny, actually, in Lime Wire the icon is only ONE PIXEL on the screen!

    When I want to shut it down from the system tray it's really a pain to put your mouse on that tiny little pixel.

    So it's a KDE3 thing, since the problem doesn't occur in KDE4.

    I'm not a professional programmer, but I'd like to try to play with it, so, does anybody knows where can I find the system tray variables or components location, maybe one would take a look at it?

    If if someone got a solution already, would be great.