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Analog display output stopped working

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    Analog display output stopped working

    I have an old BenQ Joybook S73G, which has an analog VGA and a DVI display connector. Both connectors appear as "DVI-0" in Xorg and KDE.

    Until about a week ago, I could connect any external screen and projector to the VGA, or my flatscreen TV to the DVI connector, the screens would be recognized immediately (KDE popup) and worked just fine.

    Now, the analog VGA output does not work any more, while the DVI still does. When I connect a screen to VGA, I can see some logging in Xorg.log, it says "Configuration changed" and prints the modeline of the internal screen several times, so something happens, but the screen stays blank and is not recognized. When I restart the OS, the screen connected to VGA flickers and shows the plain blue screen for a few seconds, but as soon as the kubuntu startup screen appears, it is dead again. In Xorg.log it says DVI-0 is disconnected.

    What could have happened? There were some updates in the mean time, including kernel and also Xorg I think. Is this a regression?