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Kubuntu 11.10 on notebook with external monitor and nvidia graphic card

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    Kubuntu 11.10 on notebook with external monitor and nvidia graphic card

    Hi everybody,

    This post rather than an doubt question is to share with you a problem I had after an clean upgrade to Kbt 11.10 from Kbt 10.10. After a long time without doing an upgrade I decided to change my 10.10. Always like to do an clean upgrade since I always have bad experiences with direct upgradt with either graphical or apt-get dist-ugrade. I did an usual clean upgrade, reformated / and /home (I keep them separated) and activated whatever other partition I had. Marked the option to install all proprietary software as well as doing an update via internet. Everything went smooth without any apparent problem.

    My hardware is an Acer aspire 4520 (AMD Turion, Nvidia 7000M, 4GB RAM, 160 GB disk)

    With the previous version I used to work with an external monitor connected via VGA output. My problem started when I tried to activate this external driver, using nvidia settings. The settings could not identify the presence of any monitor not even the own lCD.
    To make a long story short, after one week clean of reinstallations and also instalation of linux mint 12 with KDE I identified an solution.

    First, during the instalation do not mark the option instal thrid party software (proprietary). You can keep the upgrade option.
    Proceed the installation until the end and restart from the harddisk. Once you are in your account, well I did all the necessary upgrades and then I started the "additional drivers" and installed the recommended nvidia driver. the major caveat with this strategy is that software like flash, and other proprietary software are not installed and so need to be installed by hand. My be people in Kubuntu could give an look in this problem.

    Well, now everything is working as it should or at least that nasty message in nvidia settings does not appear anymore. I realized this after installing the new rc linux mint 12 with KDE which does not install the nvidia proprietary software and could detect all external connections properly.

    This problem doesn't seem to afect lots of people. But after a long search in the www I saw that some people had the same problem, but no real apropriate solution. Hope this can help some of you.